How to Maintain your Laptop

Laptop is an advance computer. It is portable and has an extra power life. Nowadays, people buy laptop computers instead of desktop computers because laptop computers are easier to use and laptop computers are portable and more organized in nature. VN:F [1.9.22_1171]please ... Continue Reading →

7 Awesome Computer Tricks

Why do we need to learn a few computer tricks? The answer is very simple, one has to make the use of the system easier and another is to use the system effectively and efficiently. You are not going to use the system at blazing speed but learning these few computer ... Continue Reading →

3 Essential Ways to Increase Your Personal Computer’s Efficiency

Your computer must be one of the best gifts that you can refer to as your essential asset if you have lots of things (important tasks) that you are using it perform (things like calculation, browsing the internet, sending and receiving of files from the internet). VN:F ... Continue Reading →

3 Ways to Increase your Internet Connection Performance

There are many factors that can affect your internet connection to make it to start working badly and if you are very much concerned to have a stop to those problems that you are facing with your internet connection performance, this blog post will be a goldmine ... Continue Reading →

Learning more about Viruses, Worms and Trojans

Ask nearly all of the people who own or have worked in a computer about what their most common fear are and one of the top answers that you would get would be viruses. In fact, plenty of computer support calls have been made just because of the complications that ... Continue Reading →

How to Increase Hard Drive Life

A common part of all computer systems is the hard drive. The hard drive contains all of the data in your computer and acts as the storage of all your files. The problem is that hard drives also have a set lifespan. They can break down after some time making you ... Continue Reading →

7 Awesome Computer Pranks

I have been planning to write a post about computer pranks for some time now. And I spent the last whole week trying to find out some crazy and awesome computer pranks. Now I finally have some time to share it with you guys and I have found the top 7 pranks which ... Continue Reading →