How to Lengthen the Battery Life of your Phone

It is important to get as much life out of your phone’s battery as possible. Getting the most battery life not only saves energy but also helps ensure that you have a charged phone with you in case of emergency. Some phones lack the ability to make it through a day without being charged.

Improve your Smartphones’s Battery Life

Having a charged phone is important for our comfort, convenience, and safety. Many of us are allowing our phone batteries to drain excessively without realizing it. Below are five tips for lengthening the life of your phone’s battery.

what you can do to lenghten you smartphone's battery life

Reading suggestion: Three ways to increase the battery life of your laptop

Check for an auto brightness feature

Check to see if your phone has an auto brightness feature. This feature enables your phone to adjust its brightness to the amount of light present in its surroundings. Enabling this feature assures that only the amount of light necessary in a given environment is utilized. Keeping this feature turned on helps to maximize the use that you can get out of your phone’s battery. If you do not want to use this feature (or you do not have it), consider turning down the brightness level on your phone to a level that is still comfortable for you.

Only turn on Wi-Fi when you are using it

Wi-Fi is a great high-speed network that you may use to surf the internet. However, this high-speed network attaches a big cost to the amount of battery life your phone has. If you are keeping it turned on all day, and not just when you are using it, then you are draining your battery needlessly. To save energy, consider keeping this function only turned on when you are actively using it.

Keep Bluetooth off when you are not using it

Bluetooth is a tool used when you want to talk hands-free by using a wireless headset or ear piece. Unfortunately, this feature can drain more of your phone’s battery. Try getting in the habit of keeping it turned off except for when you are using it. This helps you to get a bit more life out of your phone’s battery.

Update your apps when you are given the chance

When using an app on your phone, you are often given the opportunity to update it. While this can take a little bit of time, it is a smart idea. One of the main reasons apps get updated by the manufacturers is so that they will use less of your phone’s battery power, allowing you to keep your phone turned on longer. Some apps will not be automatic and will have to be installed manually; if you want a longer battery life, it is important to be on the lookout for this.

Check your signal strength

When your phone has to try harder to get a signal in an area that has low signal strength, it will have to work harder. This will drain your battery even more. Unfortunately, there is not too much you can do about this, except to relocate. On the other hand, it is important to be aware of this in case you have to turn off your phone in a low signal area to boost the life of your phone’s battery.

This article was written by Tom Martinez, an avid techie who knows what a pain it is when your battery dies in the middle of the afternoon. Check out for all your battery and charger needs.

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6 Responses to “How to Lengthen the Battery Life of your Phone”

  1. Narendra

    Nov 21. 2013

    iOS devices are well known for their longer battery usability while many Android devices are still facing battery life issues. In such a case of having battery low life, one should focus on above battery saving phone modes and settings.

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  2. TechCrates

    Nov 21. 2013

    Yes, I have used both android and iOS and notice significantly longer battery life in my iPhone. But sometimes it still dies before the day is over.

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  3. Stephan

    Nov 24. 2013

    Very nice tips to keep iPhone battery live longer, i have some application for my iPhone but for Android, i think ít’s a bigger problem. Users should focus on battery saving mode for increase their battery.
    Thanks for your sharing.


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  4. vishnu

    Dec 01. 2013

    I am also using android os and i have getting about 36 hours of battery life for my samsung s duos handset.You may also consider using some battery saving apps which is available on playstore .

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  5. Kristofer

    Dec 14. 2016

    Keep on writing, great job!

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  6. Conchita Hayenga

    Nov 28. 2018

    I am impressed with this website. Really good tutorials and tips on Tech Crates, very I am a big fan of you guys 🙂

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