Online Social Expansion with Chatwing Chat Widget

In the Internet everything is about being social. Everybody wants to know, if not wants to be, the latest trend, gadget updates, social media celebrities and so on. The most important thing is to build and strengthen an online network which will be the source of ... Continue Reading →

Social Media – Your Newest Marketing Tool

Boy that Mark Zuckerberg was really on to something! Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media platforms are turning out to be a boon to businesses of all kinds. Here are some tips to help you take advantage of this remarkable new selling medium. VN:F ... Continue Reading →

10 Smartphone Apps to Distract and Entertain Children

Let’s face it – singing “the wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round” gets old after the fifteenth time. There are only so many activities you can keep your kids busy with during road trips, visits to the doctor’s office and grocery shopping. The booming ... Continue Reading →

Use Technology to Reduce Business Costs

The machinations of the business model and workings have been extraordinarily altered by the advent of the digital world. The costs and time involved in business models can be reduced exponentially with the use of the right technology. Whether you’re letting ... Continue Reading →

Reasons Why Android Need Not Fear the iPhone 5

The highly intuitive, fast and slim iPhone 5 — the latest offering from Apple, has been launched officially with much pomp and fanfare at Apple’s San Francisco headquarters. But what has yet not been demystified is whether iPhone 5 is the greatest of all cellphones ... Continue Reading →

What MMORPGs Teach us About Technology Concerns for the Future

Video games are great teachers. Whether simulations, world economies, human ingenuity, sociological experiments, economic issues or security, we can learn a lot from minds virtual offspring. VN:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...Rating: 9.8/10 (6 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: ... Continue Reading →

What’s in Store for Mobile Payment Systems

If you recently paid for a service by swiping your card through someone’s iPhone or you paid for your parking meter by using your phone, you probably experienced a moment where you realized that the 21st century is here and life as we have known it is growing ... Continue Reading →