Choosing the Right Web Hosting for You: All the Jargon You Need to Know

Webhosting sites like to use a torrential amount of jargon to prove to you how sophisticated they are and, in some cases, to try to make it so you don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain, so to speak. It’s rather important that you make sure to know what all of the jargon means so that you don’t get confused. Here are a few examples.

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Bandwidth simply refers to how much information can pass through your site in a particular month. It takes a bit of information to load everything on your page. The more you have to load on your page, such as videos, pictures, audio and so on, the more bandwidth you’ll eat up. If you have so many visitors or the visitors you have reload the pages over and over again, you could eat up the bandwidth for your site pretty quickly, especially if you end up giving yourself very much of it in the first place. This makes it important that you pay attention to this when you’re checking out the service. Bandwidth also refers to how much data can be transferred to your server at any given time. This means that your site might turn away new viewers if there are too many people trying to access it all at the same time.

The Cloud

Some web hosting sites will have extra cloud services. The “Cloud” refers to storage space that you can access wherever you are and no matter what you’re doing as long as you have website access. Examples of file cloud services, for example, include Google Drive and Dropbox.


This stands for Distributed Denial of Service Attack. Most web hosting services will have packages to help them fight a DDoS attack if it occurs on your site. They may charge more money for more protection in case something like this happens. This attack is very common for network devices. Basically it overwhelms the bandwidth at a given moment on the server by having many different people or computers all try to access your site rapidly and over and over again. If someone wants to shut down your site, this is one of the easiest ways to do it. If they are successful, it means that other more legitimate traffic won’t have a way of getting to your site. They will try to connect and instead it will say that the site is down. This could lead them to conclude that the site wasn’t there to begin with, or else that it was poorly managed.

Servers need protection from viruses and other threats just as much as regular computers do. The strength of a web hosting service’s firewall is often a big selling point in terms of how much you’ll trust the service in general. After all, if hackers want to get access to the files on your site this is one of the ways they might try to do it. This means that if you have a company that has a lot of sensitive information that’s located here and there, then you need to make sure that that information is safe on whatever device that you put it.

Overall, it’s just a good idea to read carefully through all the contracts and site information that you can and decipher all of the jargon there in order to make sure that the service isn’t going to try to sneak one by your just because you don’t happen to know what a particular word might mean.

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Writer Biography This is a guest post by Lindsey Mcmahon. She likes to travel, play and read in her free time. Her main interests are tech, business and health, but she is constantly extending her field of view to incorporate interesting news suggested to her by her readers. If you like her articles, make sure to follow her on Web Design at her Company's website.

6 Responses to “Choosing the Right Web Hosting for You: All the Jargon You Need to Know”

  1. Marshall

    Dec 09. 2013

    Nice post and i would like to add one more point here
    Framework Support and Easy-Install because a lot of web hosts offer support for popular frameworks, blogging systems, or CMSes. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of Nettuts’ readers are WordPress fans: it’s always nice when your web host offers a one-click install (or at least a super easy set-up) for WordPress or your CMS of choice.

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  2. August

    Dec 10. 2013

    Thanks for explaining, I am more enlightened.

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  3. Saman

    Jun 03. 2014

    These are some critical aspects of choosing right web hosting company from the point of view of traffic and security. However, nowadays many people are looking for unlimited disk space, unlimited domain hosting and free domain included in the package.

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  4. Dilipwk

    Jun 11. 2014

    Hosting is very for website. There are many hosting companies and it’s very hard to select a right one. Nice article.

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  5. Akshat

    Jun 26. 2014

    Good technical support is also very essential for a good web host.

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  6. Barrett Lazcano

    Apr 02. 2020

    I have long looked for Choosing the Right Web Hosting for You: All the Jargon You Need to Know
    article, it is the BEST content, full of ideas and very useful!!

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