Your Android Phone Makes Is The Ultimate Budgeting Tool

Good budgeting apps aside. It’s tough to adequately put into words the joy of creating, maintaining, and operating within, a personal budget. This may be due to the fact that there’s no joy involved in the process whatsoever. Sadly, a budget is a necessary evil if you want to keep track of income and outgoing expenses, and make sure that you don’t eventually end up living in a refrigerator box and eating dog food.

But perhaps there’s a way of making budgets easier to deal with. Hey, apps are fun; perhaps there are some mobile apps out there that can make the whole process less painful. In fact, according to “6 Reasons Why Mobile Devices Are Turning Into Budgeting Tools”, “There isn’t much that a mobile device can’t do anymore.” And as it turns out, a lot of people do enjoy using their Android to handle the otherwise annoying task of budgeting. Why is this?
Seriously now…would you rather have this in your purse or wallet, or a sleek Android smart phone?

Unprecedented Organization

Budgets as a rule are unwieldy things because of all of the different expenses you need to keep track of. There are sales receipts, paid bill confirmations, bank statements, and a host of other information about what you owe, who you paid, how much you paid them, and when you did it.

Fortunately, there are Android apps out there that help you bring together all of your credit cards, bank cards, and other accounts, into one centralized, easy to access place. Mobile apps can show you (and remind you) when a bill is due, and actually help facilitate that payment by letting you set it up via your device.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your bank account and credit cards all linked together, and accessed via a single app? Of course it would!

Real-Time Accountability Apps

Do you know what sort of expenditures are real budget-busters? No, not that one big purchase you made last month; most of the time, a large purchase is pretty unforgettable. It’s those two dozen tiny purchases and withdrawals, nickel and diming you to death, until finally when you call up an account balance, you wonder how on Earth you managed to spend $500 last month on just coffee and soda!

Mobile apps give you the means to check, in real time, your purchases and when they come out of your bank account. You can pull up a full list of all transactions and see how close to your credit limit your card is getting, or how much you’ve managed to utterly destroy the “dinner and movie” allocation in your monthly budget.

Right Here, Right Now

It’s not called mobile for nothing. Rather than having to wait until you get home and checking your information before committing to a purchase, apps for your Android smart phone can furnish all of the necessary information at your fingertips, so that you can make a decision on the spot.

The Opportunity To Spend Less

And finally, there are budget apps out there whose sole purpose of existence is to help you save money. Some apps allow you to comparison shop, even right there in the store, and get the lowest price. There’s at least one app available that helps you get the best price per gallon on gasoline.

Budgeting is tough, but its benefits are indisputable. Mobile apps help take away some of the pain, and can even provide you with far more accurate information than doing things the old way. Intrigued? Then check out these six personal finance apps for Android. There’s enough there to get you started.

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