Capper’s Tips for Successful Madden 20 betting

The Madden series is seeing a lot of popularity with online bettors, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the world is slowly grinding back to some semblance of normality, the simulation betting scene is enjoying a particularly thriving moment in time. Whilst real sports were put on the backburner, several betting sites started hosting virtual games to keep the action going in the meantime. Betting on simulated Madden 20 games is particularly popular.Capper's Tips for Successful Madden 20 betting

But if you’re used to betting on real sports, how do you get started? What’s different, and what new elements do you have to be aware of if you want to be successful? Is it a whole ‘nother ball game, or are we still playing in the same court? Well, yes and no – you’re looking at some key variables which could change outcomes in some very significant ways. It might seem odd to bet on a video game, but in the absence of regular, real sport it might be time to get involved! Here are a few things to look out for if you’re just starting your Madden betting journey.

For starters, there are actually a lot of things you don’t need to worry about. Usual stops like injury reports and current form are irrelevant, which means you’re not looking at any last-minute nasty surprises screwing you out of a win. As each game is treated like a clean slate, there won’t be any long term factors influencing the odds. If you’ve got some experience playing Madden, you’re also going to have to prepare to throw a lot of that knowledge out, because it’s not going to do you any good.

Stats that didn’t really matter before are suddenly very important, biggest among them awareness. In friendly games, this doesn’t matter that much as you’re controlling the player, so a lot of elements that stat effects are down to your own perception. Your quarterback should have the awareness to spare, but it can make a difference everywhere you place it too. Speed and acceleration are also very important – your players need to get clear if running passes are going to be successful.

Remember – everything is being simulated. That’s not a commentary on the nature of our existence or anything, but clutch plays you might pull off in an actual game are much less likely to happen. The games will play out within the limitations of the software, which by nature will have some pretty hard walls to crash into every now and then. This doesn’t make it any less predictable than standard betting, so don’t go assuming it’s easy money – these are just some inevitable changes to be aware of before making your picks.

Quite a lot of your NFL knowledge will carry over, meaning you can usually place your bets in much the same way as you normally would – just remember, it’s a game, and it’s not always going to work in the same way. Just like real life, it can be unpredictable, and the exaggeration of player statistics for that all-important fun factor is something to bear in mind. Certain players might be unstoppable in their speciality – but the game’s plethora of other moving pieces will conspire to make the game just as fraught with tension as the real thing. It goes the other way too – a player with low accuracy might struggle to complete passes more often than he might in real life.

There’s plenty more to learn about betting on Madden, but these simple tips will give you an idea of the information you need to know – and the stuff you need to avoid, too – to rake in the wins. As you can tell, it’s really not that different – besides the excitement of a genuine live event – but there are definitely a few things that might catch out even the most experienced NFL bettor. If you know your way around the NFL but haven’t played before, it might be a good time to give it a try and see some of these mechanics in action. In summary: don’t worry about injury reports or current form, be aware of the importance of awareness, and remember – it’s a game, and it might not always behave as expected! As always, do your research and have fun!

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