Cloud Communications: The Cost To Get Started

By now, most people out there are aware that there’s this thing called “the cloud”, which is revolutionizing computing and communications. And yes, with its convenience, massive storage space, and ease of use, the cloud is certainly an excellent resource for today’s businesses.

But lost in all of the hype and hoopla is this: just how much does all of this awesomeness actually cost? If a business wants to move its communications to the cloud, just how much of a financial outlay can they expect? For that matter, how much does it cost to maintain it once it’s in place?

Worry and wonder no longer. Here is some helpful information that sheds light on the whole subject of how much cloud communications costs.

Cloud communications lower monthly costs means that it eventually pays for itself.

Size Matters

It should come as no surprise that a lot of the deciding factor regarding cost comes down to the size of the system needed. As the article “What is the Financial Commitment for Cloud Communications?” points out, “… businesses aren’t one size fits all … “, and each business has a different set of needs and how many extras they are willing to pay for. By the same token, there’s no one cloud communication system that applies equally to all businesses.

Think of it: if you have a land line via your cable company, for instance, then you have options to choose from such as voice mail, a non-listed number, and call forwarding. Cloud communication offers comparable features, but obviously on a much larger scale, with serving the business sector in mind.

But this is just common sense; a bigger company with hundreds of employees will shell out more for a cloud-based communication system than a small, ten-person operation.

So yes, cost is contingent on how many features you want, and how big your business is.

Starting Considerations

If you’re a startup company, you don’t have much to worry about in terms of incorporating cloud communications into your business infrastructure; you simply install the proper equipment right off the bat, with no worries about having to convert existing older equipment. It’s the companies that have a traditional voice system that face a bigger challenge with initial installation costs since they have to make sure that they have the proper phones to handle VoIP communication. There’s your big financial outlay. And just like the communications plans, there is a large number of VoIP phones out there, each with its own range of features, and priced appropriately.

Monthly Costs

Conventional wisdom says that the majority of solutions out there run anywhere from four to fifty dollars per month per user. Again, this varies depending on what features the company wants in place. While the upper range of the price may sound a little steep, bear in mind that we’re talking about unlimited calls with no long distance charges to worry about, then with added communications features.

Long Run Savings

No matter which plan you choose, it’s clear that cloud communications overall offers a cheaper means of making phone calls, be they local or international. Any up-front cost will eventually be made up and then some as the monthly savings accumulate.

For more information on cloud communications, check out “Get Your Phone In The Cloud”.

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