Are self-driven cars the future of the Automobile industry?

Volvo had to recall its vehicles because its onboard software was not sending proper signals to the respective fuel pumps. Consequently, this could cause accidents and stalls. Yamaha faced a similar issue in 2004 concerning the throttle position sensor.Autonomous car technology

The Race for the driverless vehicle

Properly tested technology can prove useful and vital in the evolution of cars. If we talk about driverless car technology, it is an autonomous car also called self-driving or a robotic car. The vehicle is capable of sensing its environment without any human input. However, even in 2017, the self-driving cars are not functioning in a fully independent way.

The future of the robotic automobile

Further, the driverless car incorporates the advanced sensor technology and multiple-sensor technology. In order for them to function properly, there are still a lot of dimensions of this technology that require a more holistic view. There are numerous barriers in place that prevent the driverless car from taking over.

Secondly, regulations play a significant role in defining the infrastructural roadmap through which the public could operate these cars, and thirdly, the acceptance of autonomous vehicles by the general public.

The audience of the self-driven car has been introduced to small changes in the form of Automatic functionality. These changes initiated in the 1990’s and many automobile manufacturers have added them in their vehicles.

The best prototype would allow people to have an option to switch from computerized driving to a manual mode. The option would allow the car owners with freedom of choice. In the near future, there would be customers who would trust the driverless cars completely. But others may find it difficult. So we have mixed emotions on this technological innovation.

According to a research, some vehicles may have a mechanism in place that would predict an accident in advance. They would also help the drivers maintain a safe distance from the accident. And after sensing if the driver is sleep deprived, in some instances the car can also take over completely or park on the side and turn off the engine. Similar is the case with a physical emergency; some new cars can check the heart rate and breath of the driver. A concept car design was also put forward by Mercedes-Benz, called the F 051, which transformed the vehicle into a virtual living space. The seats could face one another and equip with various display screens for the passengers to entertain them or for work. Making the car a conference room.

Further, these innovations will define the future of the automotive industry.  There are many social ills that exist in the society like texting while driving. Bad driving practices can lead to accidents. To prevent these mishaps and to fill that gap, many companies have decided to take the game a step further. The technology still needs a lot of research and development until a design for a foolproof car is forwarded to mass production.

The companies in the race for the evolved cars

Companies testing or developing self-driving cars include BMW, Audi, Ford, General Motors, Google, Volvo, and Volkswagen. Specifically, Google has tested their robotic cars on various occasions.


Authors Bio

Axel Flores, who is a journalist, novelist, and a reporter, has written this article pay someone to write my paper He is also a reviewer of industrial science.

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