New Porn App Prompts Google to Ban Adult Content on Google Glass

The Google Glass API released recently, gave third-party developers the ability to create apps for new technology. A recent, and somewhat humorous, story announced Google would ban any pornography or explicit content apps from Glass.

However, if the lopsided Google Glass makes it in the public eye and half of society is wearing them, the ones looking dorky are going to be the people who have not jumped onto the Google Glass bandwagon of lopsidedness. There will be no such thing as public ridicule when half the public is wearing the new technology. The extent of the popularity is yet to be realized.

Now Add a Porn App

It’s difficult to see just a few persons walking around with lopsided glasses. They do take on the complete falsetto of dorky. Now add a porn app. What does that equal? Google wasn’t willing to find out. Google no doubt wants the new technology acceptable for everyone. The company simply will not allow nudity, explicit apps, graphic sex and anything of this nature into the product.

Google wants to keep the company clean and free from violence, gambling on glass, child pornography, and hate verbalizations. Many are with Google on this one and are glad that they have a policy people can trust.

In addition to banning explicit apps, Google has no immediate plans to institute facial recognition apps. The idea has sparked immense public interest. Now, this app is something that most of can use, especially in our daily dealings in terms of business.

The Privacy Issue

Most are embarrassed, on the spot, about not remembering a person’s name. This app will bring a person’s name up for you. However, because Google Glass already has a built-in camera on the side, Google is being ever mindful of privacy issues for the consumer. This camera will take a picture when you blink, anytime and anywhere, including places you would not want to intrude on the privacy of others, such as a restroom or dressing room.

Google is much too aware of the rights of the public and is proceeding with sensitivity through this new technology. Google’s first goal is to institute a privacy protection policy before a facial recognition is implemented.

Google is usually very open with other products like Android. Now that the Glass API is in the developer’s hands, a whole new world of third-party apps will start popping up for the new device, says

Google Glass API

In order for consumer’s to have a full experience of Google Glass, developers are now allowed to create new programs that will expand this experience, because of the recent release of Google Glass API. These developers can now make thousands of new apps and programs available to consumers. Third- party developers will work on making Google Glass more exciting to wear, more practical, meshing physical daily routine with virtual reality keeping everyone connected beyond the consumers wildest imagination.

Image by Giuseppe Costantino pursuant to the terms of his Creative Commons license.

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