How To Be a Great Online Community Member

For many of us, the internet is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. Facebook alone now accounts for at least an astonishing 20% of all pages viewed on the web! Google has thrown its considerable weight behind Google Plus, Twitter has just floated on the stock exchange and the popularity of Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and more mean that social networks are definitely here to stay.building an online community

Get the most out of online communities

An important part of these social networks is the idea of the communities within them – Facebook Groups, Google+ Communities, Pinterest Group Boards, LinkedIn groups etc. Communities also exist in many other areas – Forums, message boards and other places where like-minded people gather are all over the web. If you want to get the most out of these communities, get mutual benefit for yourself and other members and build up trust, there are some easy steps that you can take.

  1. Understand the rules, etiquette and guidelines of the community that you’re joining
  2. Join in with your online community in a beneficial way
  3. Share great, valuable, worthy content
  4. Treat others with courtesy and respect

Benefits of being a good community member

Step 1 – Understand the rules, etiquette and guidelines of the community that you are joining

The first thing that you should do on joining a community of any kind is to understand the rules of that community. This includes what type of things you can post, what behavior is expected of the members, frequently asked questions, what to do in the event of a problem and more. You can achieve this by:

Step 2 – Join in with your online community in a beneficial way

The most important thing to remember is that you need to add value to your online community; you can do this in several ways:

Step 3 – Share great, valuable, worthy content

Spam is the great problem of the internet age. When time is becoming ever more precious, no-one wants to have to wade through a deluge of spam to get to the point. Don’t contribute to that flood of irrelevant posts, get rich quick schemes and purely self-promotional links. Instead, try to ensure that the content you share has value to the other members of the community:

Step 4 – Treat others with courtesy and respect

An important part of enjoying a community is the sense of common purpose between the members. You are all there to share information on something that you care about. You can help to do this by:

These simple steps will help you have a much better time with online communities, and both you and the people that you interact with will benefit. Remember – Read the guidelines, treat people with respect, post things of value and never spam, and then we can all just get along!

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