5 Gadgets That Will Improve Your Health

Health tech is an important aspect of life for health-conscious people. Now details about your habits and your body are available to you that you once could learn about only at the doctor’s office. How do you sift through all the gadgets to pick the best ones? Discover five that will improve several aspects of your everyday health.Fitbit Charge 2

Fitbit Charge 2

Many smartwatches have fitness band properties, but when you want specific details about your health, a dedicated fitness band is the smart choice.

The Fitbit Charge 2 has a long battery life, continual heart rate monitoring, and storage for all your exercise data. Connect to the app to find out how long you spend in target heart rate zones during exercise, how many calories you’ve burned, and how many steps you’ve taken perfect for monitoring overall activity and heart health.

Tellspec Food Scanner

Clean eating takes on a new meaning with the Tellspec Food Scanner. The device starts with a spectrometer, which scans your food. Cloud-based software analyzes the scans, and you receive the results through a mobile app. Find out exactly how many calories are in the food you’re eating, identify any contaminants (such as parasites, bacteria, or toxins), and learn about the macronutrients you’re about to consume.

Koto Air

Poor indoor air quality is harmful to your health; at the very least, you feel like you’re suffering from allergies year-round.

The Koto Air monitors the pollution levels in the air, including humidity levels, VOCs, dust, and light and noise pollution. Unfortunately, the Koto Air doesn’t do the repairs for you. For that, you’ll need to enlist the help of an air purifier, which will move your air through a powerful filter, removing the particulates that the Koto Air detects and cleaning the air you breathe every day.


The HAPIfork gadget is a smart device that tracks how quickly you’re eating. It measures how long you spend eating and how much time you take between bites. If you’re speeding through your meal and eating too quickly, HAPIfork vibrates to let you know.

Because eating too quickly causes myriad problems, exacerbating acid reflux and contributing to weight gain, this gadget is a must-have item for anyone who’s had trouble with digestion or food consumption.

Kolibree Smart Toothbrush

How good is your brushing technique? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t brush your teeth as well as you should.

The Kolibree toothbrush connects to an app to analyze your brushing habits. Using the app, you brush and play a game at the same time. The game ensures that you brush every single surface of every tooth in your mouth and keeps you entertained while you’re brushing your teeth. Upgrade your oral hygiene with this clever device.

Good health isn’t only about eating certain foods and exercising regularly. You need good overall hygiene, clean air to breathe, and positive habits. Devices such as these give you the tools to take charge of your health and improve many areas of your daily life.

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