These 5 Mobile App Development Trends Will Sustain This Year

The instant rise in smartphone numbers has led to a surge for the mobile apps to use on them. Only Google play has over 2.2 million apps while Apple’s app store on the contrary has over 2 million apps. These numbers show that how adhesive smartphones are and how they have transformed our lives. The number of apps will not slowdown in years to come, but will only increase.

Smartphone web users surpassed their rival desktop users’ way back in 2014. With new smart devices being introduced every year the smartphone industry will sustain its lead and will continue to dominate its rivals.

Apps today are not only limited to smartphones, but smart devices such as wearables and smart cars are also in a dire need of a customized app for operations. Year 2016 was a good year for cloud based apps and services, time for 2017 and below are the trends that in the category of mobile app development can sustain.

1. Android Instant

When google announced Android instant apps people went nuts. Since all these apps required was a single tap, yes you read that right, these apps won’t be downloaded, rather they will exercise a run only when needed phenomena. Imaging searching for an app and what appears is an app which doesn’t need to be downloaded, fascinating isn’t it?

These apps can a perfect preview for a paid version. In 2017 Android, instant apps are set to be trendy with such credibility and simplicity.

2. Augmented Reality

Apps using AR (Augmented reality) were long considered as a gimmick, but now AR is making its way into mobile apps. With the addition of wearables, AR tools are being used productively and efficiently than before.

3. App Security

Application security will become more important that it was ever. Several people still do not take smartphone security that seriously as they should, which is a huge concern for app developers.

Mobile apps with in-built security tend to perform better than others and are prioritized. Just like people prefer apps built by a reliable and renown mobile app agency they will prefer their security over another app which doesn’t provides those benefits.

4. Location Based Services

As GPS services are becoming increasingly easy to use, location based customized services will be evolved. Since GPS drains battery quite fast, hardware advancements are in process to counter this problem. Key areas where the location based services can customize a user’s experience include, travel and tourism, indoor mapping, retail offers and more.

5.  A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and Mobile Apps

Several mobile app developers and app development companies are trying to incorporate A.I in mobile apps. What they are after is machine learning which will not only set apps settings per your mood but can even go beyond our expectations. Artificial intelligence will the new norm in mobile apps and we are not very far away from the days when automated machine language will do wonders for humanity.


Not only the mobile app industry has a bright a future ahead but it also promises to satisfy many desires in coming years. With new technology being introduced every year, mobile app industry will face new challenges and a chance to excel to capture the market. App development company will continue to serve their clients and enable them for a competent market ahead.

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