10 Most Successful Startups in 2018

Entrepreneurship is the embodiment of the American dream. With courage, determination, capital, and of course, an idea, anybody can succeed. Yes, many businesses tend to fail. A staggering 30% of young startups fold within the first 2 years of their operations. A further 50% fail within the first 5 years. Conversely, businessmen have succeeded with nothing. Or at least nothing more than garage space and a phone line. The successful vs unsuccessful business debate is endless. There are tons of research papers, articles, and Ebooks on the subject. So we won’t enter that debate. Instead, let’s take a look at 10 startups who are doing it right in 2018.10 Most Successful Startups in 2018


The Most Successful Startups

Many veteran businessmen often say the same thing. It’s easy to start a business, but it’s very difficult to run it. Business is not smooth sailing with occasional bad weather. Business is like rafting over the rapids. Everything is constantly changing and evolving. To survive, your raft, or business, needs to adapt quickly to each changing scenario. This can be a demanding and exhausting job. The most brunt is often felt by the business owner or entrepreneur. But here are some startups from 2018 who seem to be doing pretty well for themselves:

  1. SwiftComply
  2. Zume Pizza
  3. Improbable
  4. Uptake
  5. Snowflake Computing
  6. Qualtrics
  7. FreightHub
  8. tilr
  9. Slack
  10. Ctrlio

You may have heard of some of these. Some may be new to you. Let’s take a closer look at these startup success stories.


This Dublin-based startup aims to make regulatory compliance easier for restaurants. The purpose is two-fold. First, the compliance procedure gets streamlined and simplified for restaurant owners. Second, significantly reduce the costs associated with regulatory compliance. It connects city management with restaurant kitchens and management. This helps create better relationships between regulatory bodies and restaurants. It encourages more transparency and efficiency when it comes to regulations and compliance.

Zume Pizza

Pizza made better. If you think that’s not possible then you haven’t heard of Zume. It is a Californian pizza delivery restaurant with a high degree of automation. The small startup raised over $4 billion in 2017. It currently has 19 human employees as well as 8 robot ones. The pizza preparation is in transit. A van travels to the customer’s location, making the pizza with the help of robotic ovens and cleaners.


Improbable is a multinational, Britain-based software company. It creates software simulations. These are used both in corporate settings as well as video games. The company had humble origins. Its inception was in 2012 by Herman Narula in his parent’s house in Hertfordshire. Since then, it received a $500 million investment from SoftBank. It has even partnered with Google for open beta software releases.


Illinois-based data firm Uptake is set to revolutionize data use. The firm examines our present connected state. It looks for ways to innovate, using everything recordable and quantifiable. The innovation aims to benefit the users of modern technology. The company is a major player now in cybersecurity, big data, and machine learning fields.

Snowflake Computing

Taking data warehousing to new heights, Snowflake is a data warehouse for the cloud. Traditional data warehouses have had to face many challenges. Especially given the huge amounts of amassed data. Snowflake Computing came up with a workaround. It uses new SQL data and architecture. This keeps it prepared for current and future data warehousing. It also has built-in, big data analytical tools. Many believe this is the future of data warehousing at only a fraction of the cost.


Qualtrics is not your average branding firm. It carries out detailed research for clients’ brands. It works to get them valuable and actionable information. The firm focuses on researching market segmentation, brand touchpoints, positioning, and targeting. The company aims to turn brands into religions. It is constantly innovating to stay ahead.


FreightHub is revolutionizing the freight forwarding industry. The firm has a unique approach. It believes that the interfaces and processes are as old as the industry itself. The startup adds a technological touch to the industry. It innovates ways to improve and maximize service quality within the industry.


This startup is taking on the way employers find employees to hire. It matches companies with applicants using only a skill-based algorithm. It does away with many of the old biases when it comes to recruitment. The company has a solid vision to reduce the global skill gap. It also aims to protect employees from a difficult economy.


Slack is one of the fastest growing workplace chat apps. It has really been a game-changer in the field. Why is it so successful? It identified flaws in traditional workplace chat environments. Then it reinvented the way people chat at the workplace and optimized it. It offers more in-app creative freedom than any other in the same field. The app has a bigger focus on creativity and intelligence. Not on repetitive tasks.


This firm is very popular with consumers everywhere. What it does is offer a free platform for price comparisons of different services. This comes in very useful when people are looking to renew contracts or change services. The best thing about the platform is that it steers clear of sponsored content. It won’t take money from a provider like let’s say, AT&T just to increase the AT&T Customer base. It offers unbiased comparisons, regardless of popularity. Consumers get a fair and transparent idea of their service. And they can compare it to other services as well. Perfect for finding the best deals in town!

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