The 4 Biggest Social Media Reputation Killers

It really doesn’t matter what you post on social media sites because only your friends will see it, right? Dead wrong. Even if your account is secure from others, people can often still see much of what you post, and more and more people are searching others profiles.Social Media Reputation Killers and how to avoid them

You could easily be putting information out there that you don’t want potential employers, past acquaintances, fans, or strangers to view, but you may not realize what exactly is hurting your reputation. The following four items are among the biggest reputation killers that seem fun now, but could come back to haunt you later.

1. Posting Your Wild Party Pictures

If you’re looking to clean up your profile, then the first thing you need to do is throw out the party pictures, and the next time you’re at a party, resist the urge to post pictures of the event. The Huffington Post reports that 34 percent of employers decided not to hire a person because of what was on their social media profile. In half of these cases, the issue included alcohol references, provocative photos, or talk about drugs. If you don’t want people to see you in a bad light, skip posting the photos and simply enjoy the night.

2. Past Comments with Indecent Intentions

There’s no saying how many different types of comments could ruin your reputation. Rude, prejudice, or angry comments can cause people to look at you in a bad light. Even if you posted a demeaning comment on someone’s post years ago, it can still lead to a ruined reputation. In the social media world, it’s best to simply live by, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

3. Constant Emotional Updates

One of the things that can really end up hurting people later is when they post updates or comments when experiencing high emotions. In high emotional states, we tend to say things that we usually wouldn’t, and once you post what you’re feeling, everyone can see it, even years down the road. At this point, it doesn’t become something that you said in a rage from years ago, but it turns into part of who you are, and it’s hard to take those words back.

4. Poor Grammar Use is a Big No-no

Poor grammar may not seem like something that could easily ruin your reputation, but in fact, it’s among one of the top things that employers look at when viewing applicants’ profiles. If you don’t write with proper grammar, you’re presenting yourself as an unprofessional person and making yourself look uneducated; this could cost you a job in the future.

If your profile contains any one of these types of posts, it could be ruining your reputation that your followers, your friends, or strangers give you. If you need help cleaning up your reputation, check out businesses such as In this article, acquires Reputation 24/7, acquired U.K.-based Reputation 24/7 to spread its unparalleled reputation management services across international waters. While anything you’ve already posted may never be gone forever, you can still clean receive help online to restore your reputation to a respectable level.

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