These Apps May Help You Retire Early

If you’ve grown so fed up with the phrase “there’s an app for that” that you’re ready to throw up your hands, walk away, and retire early to get away from it all, well, congratulations; there’s an app for that as well!

Let’s face it; you can’t escape apps and their cheerleaders, so you may as well take advantage of them. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right? So here are a collection of four apps that will help you realize that goal of retiring early.

Try out some of these apps and improve your chances for an early retirement

Retirement Calculator

With this free retirement calculator, you can get a good idea of what your financial picture looks like in the context of retirement. Just enter variables like planned retirement age, value of your home, insurance/pensions, income and other assets, then your expenses and debts. Once Retirement Calculator crunches the numbers, you can see what you have to do in order to reach your retirement goals. The calculator helps you figure out how long your savings will last, how much health care you can afford, and simply just how likely it is that you can maintain the standard of living that you want. This app is one of the better ones to get a hold of.

Retire Plan

This app is found in the iTunes store, and it’s free. If you use an Apple product and you’re a newbie to the whole idea of retirement, then this is the app for you. It answers a host of retirement questions so that the beginner can be brought up to speed. This customizable app creates spreadsheets that tell you things like when you can retire and how much money you need to save every year in order to accomplish it. It also lets you factor in things like Social Security benefits, a spouse, pensions, and the rate of inflation. Like the above-mentioned Retirement Calculator, this app really stands out from the pack.

iMaximize Social Security

When you’re considering early retirement, you need to consider the role of Social Security in the decision. After all, that’s money you’ve earned! It’s not an entitlement; nothing that you’ve spent all of your life contributing to can be called that. With this calculator, you can maximize your Social Security benefits and make sure that you’re not missing out on anything that you’ve earned. This app works for iOS, Android, and online; the basic version costs nothing.

Smart Money Retirement Planner

This free app is for Android users, and was once voted App of the Month by the American Association of Individual Investors. Enter your Social Security benefits, pensions, 401K’s, and other gains, and then see your projected retirement picture conveyed by means of a series of graphs. It takes into account factors such as current age, age you plan to retire, and current income, and it can adjust based on tax rates, yearly savings, and more. The beautiful thing about this app is that if it looks like you’ll fall short, the app provides some possible solutions.

While there are plenty more apps out there, this selection should cover everything you need to retire. So start planning for that early retirement right now!

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