What Is The Lead Nurturing?

Wondering “What lead nurturing is?” this term refers to the act of “hatching” prospects until they are ready to make a purchase.This practice is very important for B2B decision processes in long term.In practice, this means that to guide your lead in their buying process (discovery phase and evaluation and decision), you will share with them quality content. Here we will provide you tips to advance with your prospects in the funnel.Lead Nurturing

Increase efficiency with lead nurturing

One study found that half of your qualified leads are not ready to make a purchase immediately (Study Gleanster Research). So you may lose them permanently by giving them too early to your sales team.You have any interest to extend the commitment with your leads. Because, at the same time as you hold the link, you can learn more about their interests (why are they really interested in your products or services? What problems are they trying to solve?) And therefore preparing the ground for your sales teams.

Lead nurturing essentially borrows the email channel

Emails sent as part of a lead nurturing campaign is both more targeted and sent to the appropriate time, they have a response rate of 4-10 times higher than the norm.And since they are automated according to the schedule of content you have predefined, so you get better results with less effort over time.

During the campaign, each new action from you toward your lead must persuade him that you are an expert in your field and you have the solution to his problem. Here are some tips to help you.

Your lead nurturing campaign in 5 steps

If a lead nurturing campaign allows unquestionably improve efficiency, it requires a solid advance preparation.

Step 1: Determine your goal

This step is crucial because it structure your entire campaign. Would you “wake up” a lead, which shows no sign of commitment? Or further qualify a lead?

To set your goal, you will also need to choose the criteria that allow you to determine whether you have achieved this.

For example, having already downloaded a white paper, a lead demonstration accepts your offer. In this case, you may feel that this lead is ready to be contacted by your sales teams.

Step 2: Choose a persona

Each persona has its own pain points. A pain point is the issue that leads you looking for an answer.

It is essential to know the problem your lead to be able to help.

Step 3: Select your content

It is not necessary to create new content. Review your existing content and choose those that will be relevant to your persona and actions you want to see taken.

Step 4: Set up a schedule

The schedule will be determined by your leadership and maturity, that is to say, its progress in the conversion tunnel.

For example, if you noticed in the past that your target placed about six months to realize a purchase, you will maintain your lead nurturing campaign six months.

Step 5: Set up your workflow

Choose a management tool for your campaign. You can automate all actions to be undertaken and have an array of valuable board to track the progress of your actions.

Tools to help you

You will build a table by filling in the types of content to share with such a persona based on its evolution in the conversion tunnel. Always the right content at the right time to help you with the workflow!You understand, you have to imagine scenarios for each of your personas with, ultimately, a single “happy end” for all: get a sale!

To achieve your lead nurturing campaigns  you can take different forms and even combine several of them over time.

Take the example of a vendor goggles (welding glasses, field glasses, etc.).
Instead of sending an email to tout its products, it will offer an educational content as a safety guide on building sites.
Thereafter, he may communicate special offers. But be careful to keep the tone of “dialogue” in the editorial care to avoid being boring or too “aggressive”.

Lead Nurturing

The lists of best practices, resources, or demonstrations are also good ways to maintain the link without rushing your lead while the more interesting your offer.Once you have completed this preparation and distribution of content, you can build your workflow using a dedicated tool.You and parameters must set the content type to send to lead what and when. You only have to watch the results!

Albert Palacci is writing for several online magazines and websites, he is passionate about digital marketing and social media platforms.

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