Why Facebook is the New Internet

In 2004 something happened that forever changed the world of online marketing. In 2004 Facebook was born. The appearance of this social networking site changed the way services and products are distributed online. This site pushed previously established networking sites like Friendster and MySpace out the picture.

I’ve been a Facebook user myself for a few years now.  And it has truly wonderful applications and services. It has made it easier for businesses to market their products. It has allowed bloggers to promote their blogs more easily.

What about you? Do you use Facebook? If you do then I am going to share a very valuable secret to you. This revelation will rock your world and change the way you see Facebook.


My secret is that….Facebook is the new internet. Before you scoff at this revelation, let me explain.

Facebook is now called the “King of Social Networks”. And it currently is the number 1 online site. Many have made it the number one cure for boredom. If people have nothing to do they go log on to Facebook. And it is not surprising why. Facebook has many applications. It has numerous games that can keep users entertained for hours. In fact some of its games are positively addictive. I have a friend who plays Farmville and he wakes up at dawn to harvest his pineapples. I mean – he’s always late for work because he swears he can’t wake up early to save his life. But here he is waking up at 3am to harvest pineapples! It’s crazy. But that’s Facebook for you. Aside from this it’s a very effective way to market your products and services. There are now more than 600 million Facebook users worldwide. That’s like ¼ of the word’s population. With a market like this the possibilities are endless.

What about you? Do you have a Facebook account? If you don’t then perhaps you would like to get started now and experience the power of Facebook marketing.

Amy C. is an interior decoration aficionado and online marketer.  She also likes testing and trying new home and office decorating themes.  In addition to being an interior decoration hobbyist, she enjoys designing calming indoor fountains and glass art.  Amy invites you to browse her delightful collection of glass vases

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