iPhone 4S Preorders: Sold Out in one Day

iPhone pre-orders were announced a few days ago by the company, that they will start from 7th October . A new report states that, the U.S. allotment of pre-orders of iPhone 4S has been sold by now. The customers can still order online if they are interested, but the shipments are expected to arrive in a week or two. One week means that they would reach the customers after launch on October 14th and two weeks would be around October 21st.

Here we have a introduction video for iPhone 4S released by Apple:

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Apple’s distribution partner AT&T has proclaimed that it has already processed 200,000 orders and this makes the iPhone 4S the most successful of the iPhones launched yet. These orders were received in the first 12 hours after the sales were started around midnight. And these are only the orders that one of the partners received excluding the company itself and the other partners. The report states that:

AT&T has seen extraordinary demand for iPhone 4S with more than 200,000 preorders in the first 12 hours alone, the most successful iPhone launch we’ve ever had. It’s obvious customers like AT&T’s 4G network, which is the only one that lets their iPhone download twice as fast and talk and surf simultaneously.

It has been seen that there is an increased demand for the next-gen iPhone 4S among the AT&T customers especially in the first twelve hours of sale. Obviously it is due to the 4G network of the company which grants double download speed to the users and also allows them to surf the net at an enhanced rate.

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The iPhone 4S is due to launch on Friday, 14th October and it is essentially an upgraded version of the previous iPhone4. The new system includes:

The pre-orders this year are nothing new. They are comparable with the orders for iPhone 4 last year, six hundred thousand in total on the 1st day including all of the carriers.

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The sales of Apple’s flag ship will certainly be record breaking, in other news, people have already started queuing up at Apple’s store in Covent Garden London, which happens to be Apple’s biggest store. This massive sale of iPhone will certainly lead to people buying a lot of iPhone accessories as well.

Rez passionately and actively writes on almost all of Apple products, such as iPhone 4s, 5 and previous versions of same device, he has also been covering topics like iPhone 5 Jailbreaking mainly because iPhone without being jailbroken is a little bit bland and users want to run 3rd party apps, which Apple often doesn’t want, as we discussed in the post above, the sales of this iPhone will be record breaking, which mean, a lot of iPhone 4s Covers and Cases along with accessories will be sold out.

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