Creating A Comprehensive BYOD Policy

In an effort to both save money and permit employees to work with the equipment that they are most familiar with, more companies are turning to a Bring Your Own Device (or BYOD) arrangement. BYOD is just what the name implies: employees bring their own personal devices from home and use them in order to do their jobs.

So many devices, so little margin for error
So many devices, so little margin for error!

While the benefits of BYOD are very real and beneficial, there still exists a huge potential for things to go catastrophically wrong. That’s why any company that allows BYOD needs to have a policy in place that outlines how it’s carried out.

Here are some things that must be part of any successful BYOD policy.

Everyone Must Be On Board for BYOD

Since implementing BYOD affects the company as a whole, all of the relevant departments must be consulted and allowed to give input. The article “Crucial Things to Consider When Drafting Your BYOD Policy” recommends IT, legal, human resources, finance, production, research and development, customer service and sales. Each of these either uses BYOD, or aspects of it fall under the jurisdiction of one or more of the departments.

Specify What Can And Cannot Be Used

Since there are a bewildering array of devices out there, you must specify which ones are allowed, and which aren’t. Employees need to know which of their devices will be supported; otherwise, they will have to use company-issued devices. In fact, these restrictions aren’t just for devices; employees must be informed on what apps are permissible, and which are forbidden. Perhaps some applications come with certain security or legal risks. Your company doesn’t need that grief.

Security Is Paramount

Since the employee’s personal device now has work-related data on it, it becomes all the more crucial that there is a solid, consistent security plan in place. After all, that device that your salesman is whipping out at the bar and taking a selfie with is the same one that has crucial sales figures for the next quarter. That thing BETTER be protected! Create a powerful, long password, with upper and lower case alpha-numeric characters.

Spread The Word

Once you’ve created your BYOD policy, make sure it’s clearly written, easily understood, and distributed throughout the company. Furthermore, make sure the boundaries are in place for all concerned parties. For instance, what can IT see or change on an employee’s device? The policy must plainly spell out what data the company has a right to view, alter or delete. Create the limits, and pass the word on to every employee.

There Can Be No Exceptions

There’s at least one in every bunch; that person (or persons) who think that they are an exception to the rules. In fact, the more power and privilege someone has, the more likely that they feel that the rules don’t really apply to THEM. That is baloney. There cannot, must not, be any exceptions to the rules. This isn’t a question of privilege; it’s about creating a smooth, secure mobile experience for all.

Now It’s Time To Say Good-bye …

Inevitably, employees leave the roost. When that happens, how will the company remove things like data, apps, access tokens, and email privileges from the departing employee’s device? Create an exit strategy, and once again, let everyone know what it is.

By following these rules, your business can enjoy the benefits of BYOD, minus the headaches and issues.

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Born and raised in the Boston area, I was rocketed to New Hampshire, where under the Granite State's yellow sun and lack of income tax, I have gained the powers of super-sarcasm, brilliant creativity, and slightly disturbing sense of humor.

4 Responses to “Creating A Comprehensive BYOD Policy”

  1. Santosh

    Aug 07. 2015

    This is really a nice guide on creating a policy. Would surely reder to it while creating.

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  2. john terra

    Aug 07. 2015

    Awesome!! Glad it’s helpful!

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  3. Alex brain

    Aug 08. 2015

    Great post sharing here thanks for sharing with us this information.

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  4. Patrick

    Aug 19. 2015

    A share useful. Thank you for your labor

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