How does the future of social media look like?

How does the Future of Social Media look like?

Social media has come a long way since its inception in the early 2000s. Today, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world at large. But what does the future of social media look like? ... Continue Reading →

How Augmented Reality Influences the Learning Process

Augmented Reality has changed the education industry, bringing innovations and existing tech solutions. According to Statista, the global educational AR market share is $300 million as of 2020, but it’s expected to grow up to $700 million by 2025. So, the question ... Continue Reading →

How Technology Influences our all Future

Technology is constantly changing the way we do business and also the way we live our lives. These changes come almost every few months. Every year we have several new trends and technologies and some of those become the biggest trends and technologies for that ... Continue Reading →

Innovation in the service of Travel

The players in the tourism industry still do more to improve the experience of travelers. To do this, they use new technologies to develop new services to improve the customer journey. What types of new technologies the tourism players are investing and why? RFID ... Continue Reading →

What is Augmented Reality and How Can it Be Incorporated into Business?

Augmented is a word that means to add to something or to improve something by adding to it. Augmented reality is a concept that means to take what really is and make it better. This is usually applied to a technological solution, like an app for a smartphone or ... Continue Reading →

3 Things to do after getting an Android Tablet

It’s going to be a good couple of months for tablets. Retail sales, and gadget sales in particular, tend to spike during the holiday months, and there is no shortage of superb tablets to choose from. You’ll likely see the hottest Android tablets, such ... Continue Reading →