How Infrastructure Impacts Big Data

If there’s one term that’s really getting a workout these days, it’s “Big Data”. Everywhere you turn, across a vast spectrum of industries and organizations, Big Data always pops up. And why not? Everything about Big Data is, well, ... Continue Reading →

Why the Hybrid Cloud Is Best for Most Businesses

Within the world of IT, everyone agrees upon few things. If there is one area where you will find almost unanimous agreement, though, it’s this: The cloud is here, and it’s here to stay. In one recent article in Forbes, Jay Snyder of EMC predicted that within ... Continue Reading →

Do Business Phones Need Conformity or Diversity?

Business phones are an integral part of many companies communications strategies, as they allow for centralized control at the same time as encouraging collaboration and correspondence. Because of this, many businesses get bulk business plans and supply their employees ... Continue Reading →