10 Smartphone Apps you can’t Live Without

There are thousands of applications that are flooding the market that choosing just 10 of them is a tough job. It’s important to look at an app carefully before deciding to install them on your smartphones. Since we rarely conduct business in the confines of ... Continue Reading →

Mac Power User Tips

Using Mac after a heavy work out at a gym doesn’t make one a power user. A power user is one who knows advanced functions and options of a software program (mostly an OS) and can perform tasks faster than other users. Though, not a professional or a programmer, ... Continue Reading →

10 Best iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone games this week

Mobile games have become very populuar since mobile device hardware gets more powerful every week. Especially with dual or even quad core processors in a mobile device, the smartphones have enough cpu power to render complex game graphics and physical calculations. ... Continue Reading →

Samsung To Sue Apple After The Release Of iPhone 5

These days there’s a war going on between the world’s most wealthiest company; Apple inc., and the Korean technology giant; Samsung. Apple recently won a lawsuit against Samsung on patents dispute leading Samsung to owe $1.05 billion to Apple. The decision ... Continue Reading →

With Apple’s Win, Should Android Be Worried?

There has been a lot of talk in the post-Apple victory of the drawn out infringement case against Samsung, where Samsung was ordered to pay Apple $1.05 billion in damages. VN:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...Rating: 9.8/10 (4 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: +1 ... Continue Reading →

What is a broadband speed test and how is it Useful?

A broadband speed test is a method used to check the browsing, uploading and downloading speed of your broadband connection. This helps you to discover, accurately, time taken to both retrieve and send information by your internet. A higher speed internet download ... Continue Reading →

10 Personal Financing Applications For Android

You no longer have to carry around your laptop and look for Wi-Fi spots, or even wait to get home to make banking transactions. Now you can perform any number of accounting functions from anywhere, as long as you have your Android phone with you. Here are 10 great ... Continue Reading →