5 Tips to Stay Ahead of Video Editing Trends

In today’s world of video editing, there are a lot of new things that are being discovered all at once. Trends come and go, but fortunately, you don’t have to be a trendsetter or an early adopter to keep up with what’s going on.

This article will help you stay ahead of the video editing curve without having to jump in when everyone else does.

5 Tips to Stay Ahead of Video Editing Trends

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1. Read Some Helpful Video Editing Blogs

One of the best ways to stay on top of the trend is by reading blogs written by people who are professionals in the industry. A great example is Scott Simmons’ blog. He has practically invented several video editing methods. There are also some great blogs by Adobe employees and other editors on the Web.


Subscribe to a few blogs. If you can’t find blogs that are relevant, add your favorite video editor on Twitter and keep up with their posts. You’ll eventually find where they’re usually posting their blogs.

2. Be Open to New Things

The video editing industry is constantly striving to bring something new but people also like to discover things for themselves. Blogs are great for this because they often give in-depth reviews of the latest program releases that will change the video editing world. Be open to learning new things and be aware that they exist.


Engage in conversations about edgy topics like 360-degree video, VR, and even HFR (if you can stomach it). The more you understand what’s going on in the industry, the more likely you are to become an authority on it.

3. Use Free Software for Commercial Purposes

I have a confession to make- I use free software at work, and I do it all the time!  Don’t worry though because you can too.  In fact, if you’re not using free open source software (FOSS) in your office then you’re missing out on some great opportunities on saving money and getting quality products that fit into your workflow perfectly. You might be wondering why this is even possible or how commercial businesses are able to get away with it but rest assured; there’s nothing illegal going on here. There may be a few grey areas but they aren’t very big ones and if we stick together we’ll be sure to keep them that way!


Get up-to-date with free software like VEED (Say goodbye to clunky video software and hello to one-click editing online. No training needed.).

There’s a lot of great free video editing software on the market. Yet, this one comes highly recommended – online video editing that is made simple and very easy to use.

4. Get an Online Portfolio

One of the best ways to make yourself marketable is by having an online presence. By getting an online portfolio, you will be able to connect with potential clients and employers who can’t find you through word-of-mouth (which not everyone has).

Steps:    Create a website (can be as simple as a blog; most video editing programs have a website template you can use) and upload your best work. Don’t make it password protected or else people won’t know if they should check out your portfolio.

5. Do Something New

This might sound like common sense, but I’ve seen too many editors get stuck in their ways and refuse to try anything new. Video editors are people too – there is nothing wrong with branching out and doing things like writing or photography


Try something new. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see if you’re any good at it. This could be anything from drawing to cooking (I’m not joking). If you find that your hobbies and work intersect, then this is a good thing, but there’s no need to force it.

Whether you have a video editing background or not, knowing the trends in this industry will help to keep your work from being outdated. In this blog post, we’ve laid out five things that are really important for anyone who does video editing professionally or even those who are doing it as their hobby who wants to stay ahead of the curve. We hope these tips were helpful!

Author Bio

Van Panopio is a content writer and PR outreach specialist at VEED.IO.

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