Add Social Media Icons to Boost SEO for Your Website

Social media is one of the most popular ranking signals for the brands who want their up go on the SEO strategy. It is very crucial for any SEO to have the highest engagement rates and to keep their site great in looks and other aspects as well. There are various questions which arise when we talk about how to keep up with social shares and increase the SEO juices but the most common of them all is how sharing affect the SEO and how share icons can be operational in increasing the social shares.

Social media buttons or social media icons can help you in charming the readers which will ultimately make them in sharing your content on social media. This will boost the SEO for your website and will give a kick to the engagements and the shares and the backlinks as well. So, here are some of the points which will help you in getting to know how to work with social media icons:

Add Social Media Icons to Boost SEO for Your Website

1. Placement of social media icons on websites

There is always a saying in real estate agents that location is the key which applies in case of social media icons as well. The placement of them can make or mar the shareability of the content on your website. One needs to choose the optimal place for their social media icons so the reader feels the urge to use it. The placement of the icons depends upon the setup and the content of the website of yours. The design of the website and the interaction of the users can be a deciding point for the placement of the social media icons.

2. A trick to encourage social sharing

The placement of the icons will help you to encourage social sharing. This point focuses on that you should not make the readers scroll too much. People often share posts earlier than they are done with reading. So, the icons should be set either on the top or at the sides. One should ignore the dead areas of the website where people might pay less attention to. The interactions of the people with the website areas are very important and the areas which they ignore are even more important. Also, the icons should be set up to stand apart. They should not be placed around the unwanted information.

3. Decide according to your website page

It is very crucial that one should decide which page of the website should have an icon or not. There are some pages like blog category, archive or informational pages like contact us or about us which are of no need to be filled with social media icons.

4. Adjust icons accordingly

The adjustment of the social media icons on various pages of the websites is very crucial for the boost of the SEO. One needs to know which icons to display and in what order according to the audience’s hangouts. There is nothing to do with the popularity or the brand marketing presence, all that matters is the engagement of the audience with the website which ultimately helps in getting their attention on the icons.

5. Avoid negative aspects

There are many aspects which can have a negative impact over the website and its social engagements. One is the adding paradox of choice for the readers which mainly occur because of the more icons or buttons. This can confuse the readers which icon to click on which either can result in no clicking or sharing at all. Another aspect is that of more the icons, the messier it will be. The useless icons can just add on the chaos nothing else. Last but not the least negative aspect to be avoided is of wrong icons. Adding wrong icons and displaying counts can result unused and this ultimately affects the share counts which actually mean discourage people from sharing.

6. Opt the right strategy

Going for the right social media icons is the first part to be done at the best for the readers but the right website design and the inspirational websites ideas opted can take your page or website a long way. People will only like to spend time on your website when it is effective and attractive to the audience. This is the only way out one will share your content and then you will likely to get more engagements and shares.

To wrap up the things, one needs to know all these things to get maximum shares and engagements for their websites. The social media icons can make or mar the website. One must use it with precision and with the sheer care of their placement. Also, the design of the websites also plays a major role in engaging the audience.

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Olivia Perez is a marketing and communication expert. She also serves as content developer with many years of experience. She helps clients inlong term wealth plans. She has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including Marketing and Social Media.

2 Responses to “Add Social Media Icons to Boost SEO for Your Website”

  1. Tom

    Dec 07. 2018

    good SEO is an art nowadays 🙂

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  2. Johnfyucha

    Dec 12. 2018

    thanks for the valuable information

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