Android Health Insurance Apps

There’s a ton of apps out there, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. One moment you’re playing “Angry Birds”, and the next you’re checking your credit card balance or transferring money in your checking account. But whether it’s silly or serious, there are few areas of life that couldn’t benefit from an app or two.

Which brings us to the area of, of all things, health insurance. Yes even health insurance isn’t immune to app fever. We’re going to take a look at a handful of apps exclusively for Android devices. Once you have equipped yourself with the insurance app of your dreams, you can use them in conjunction with an article like “Five Factors to Consider When Comparing Health Insurance Plans” in order to get yourself the best coverage for the best price.

There’s some good Android apps out there to help demystify health insurance

Aetna App For Android

If you have Aetna Insurance, this app is invaluable. With it, you can check your coverage and benefits, look up active claims, find a doctor, dentist, or emergency room, even check the status of any disability claims or leaves that you’re put in for. This sounds like the absolute perfect app to have when you’re far from home and a medical emergency hits. It should be mentioned here that many health insurance carriers have specialized apps for their policy holders.

Health Insurance Guide

This particular app appears to be geared towards providing the health care insurance shopper with information on how to make the best choices when looking for coverage, and to make the Android user insurance savvy.

Insurance Forum

This app is designed for health insurance agents and brokers. It connects the professional with over 30,000 members and gives access to almost half a million posts on just about every insurance topic you can think of. If you’re a professional who wants to discuss insurance with his or her peers, this handy app provides the perfect portal for it.

Health Insurance Tips

Okay, back to the rest of us who don’t sell insurance! This is another useful app if you’re shopping around for health insurance. It gives access to articles such as the five main health insurance plans in the United States, health coverage system in other nations, and what health insurance is good for. You’ll even be exposed to the top 25 health insurance companies in the US! The beauty of this app is that it advises the user to constantly check for weekly updates, implying that this app is always changing and getting new information. In the often confusing world of health insurance, that’s a value add.

European Health Insurance Card

America isn’t the only country that uses health insurance, obviously, so this European app bears mentioning as well. This app is a guide to using the European Health Insurance Card in the 28 European Union nations, as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Lichtenstein. Available in 25 different languages, this app covers the card’s general information as well as emergency phone numbers, treatments and costs that are covered, how to claim reimbursement, and more. This is the perfect health insurance app for European residents who travel the continent often, whether for business or pleasure.

You can find more Android apps out there, though a lot of them seem to be specialized according to different countries, and others have low user ratings. The above list is a solid sampling that should get you well on your way.

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Born and raised in the Boston area, I was rocketed to New Hampshire, where under the Granite State's yellow sun and lack of income tax, I have gained the powers of super-sarcasm, brilliant creativity, and slightly disturbing sense of humor.

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