The Best Gadgets To Help You Save Money

Investing in best gadgets that work efficiently built with high technology and results better performance can cut down your utility bill, energy bills and save you a lot of money. There are many gadgets available on the markets that are powered by high-end compacts and equipment’s which can save energy and there are also some products which can be available easily and are inexpensive. The following are some of the best gadgets that help you save money.

Save Money with the best gadgets


Wind turbine

If you are a person who is resident of the windy part of the country then believe me you can really save a lot of your money by generating electricity. It can lower your electricity bill up to 65% each month. The performance of the wind turbine could vary depending on the model; there are many types and models available you can choose the one that perfectly matches your requirement.

Filtered water bottles

Purchasing dozens of bottles for every alternate day can easily add up at the end of every month. The best way to save money by drinking hygienic water is to use filtered water bottles; this device consists an internal filter that kills bacteria and other germs present in the ordinary faucet water.

Use internet as an alternative to the telephone

By using the service called Voice over IP (VoIP) you can save money without the need of paying huge cell phone and landline bills. Internet allows you to make calls free of cost and you can enjoy making long-distance calls to your friends and family members. Take advantage of free calling service like Skype where you can make local calls, video chatting at free of cost and some cheap calls.

Fluorescent light bulbs

Replacing your regular bulbs with compact fluorescent  light bulbs can save your energy bill up to 30% as it uses much less energy than the standard bulbs. There are many benefits of using these bulbs as they last for longer time and produces the same amount of light as that of standard lights. If you are using lights frequently for a longer time in some of the rooms like kitchens, livings, dining then consider replacing the previous bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.


Whenever you think about purchasing some new gadget, items, device or go for a grocery shopping do a price comparison to cut some money with mobile apps. There are wide ranges of apps available on the market for different mobile users; you can consider using them to check various rates and discounts offered by the store and make the best use of it to save money.

Programmable thermostats

Use programmable thermostats to reduce the energy consumption by your air conditioners. The device lets you to pre-set temperature, timings to run and set a schedule.

If you are unable to afford the gadgets that are eco-friendly, power saving and can save money try various financing that are available and you are comfortable in repaying them.

My name is Maria, a content writer from Manchester. I am into Health, Travel, Technology, and Finance. I am researching on PPI claims and its impact on personal finances. Catch me @financeport

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2 Responses to “The Best Gadgets To Help You Save Money”

  1. Ashok

    Nov 10. 2012

    Wow this is a Excellent tips for Save Money, i like your tips.

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  2. Rene

    Nov 16. 2012

    Saving money is always good and even better if you have an app for it! 🙂 Many thanks

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