BlackBerry 10 To Come With a Blacklist of Forbidden Passwords

We all thought the age of the BlackBerries is over, but no, RIM doesn’t want to give up and is now working on new devices with a new operating system known as BlackBerry 10 – these devices are expected to bring back the fame they once had. They say the first phones running BlackBerry 10 are already being tested in the US, and a number of hardware makers like Silitech Technology, Ichia Technologies, and ODM Winstron are already starting to produce parts for RIM.

RIM presentation of Blackberry 10

The new BB10 phones, according to, are expected to be released in February 2013. And before they’re here, geeks try to find out what features they’ll have and how the new OS will be different from Android, iOS and BlackBerry’s old platform.

According to a new leak, BlackBerry 10 will have a built-in blacklist of insecure passwords that can’t be used in any online/offline service of the platform, no matter what.

At the moment, the list includes the following 106 passwords, but since it doesn’t include all stupid passwords people like to use, we think RIM will update it with new words and phrases before February. Here’s the current list:

BB10 Password List for Blackberry 10

It’s hard to believe it, but it seems like some people really use passwords like “letmein,” “password” or “qwerty!” So perhaps it’s a healthy idea to forbid them from inside the system, for the sake of users’ security. After all, RIM has always been famous for keeping its users as safe as possible; for example, even before BB10, RIM’s corporate clients could forbid insecure passwords and make requirements on password types they preferred.

By the way, look at the list once again — if you’ve used any of the passwords from there, change it as soon as possible, no matter what device you use! The chances someone will be able to easily guess it are too high!

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One Response to “BlackBerry 10 To Come With a Blacklist of Forbidden Passwords”

  1. sangram

    Dec 08. 2012

    ‘abc123’ & ‘password’ are most commonly used password… Good move by blackberry .

    I think android & ios should follow that too !!

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