Business Tech Trends Shaping 2021

The business tech trends emerging in 2021 are having a huge impact on the business world right now and playing a major role in helping organizations during COVID-19. Tech trends always play a key role and change each year, but this year they seem to have added significance, and it is hard to imagine how many businesses would be managing right now without the best and latest tech. This means that business owners need to be aware of what these trends are and how they could help the business, staff, and customers. Read on for a few of the main tech trends shaping 2021 so far.

business tech trends emerging in 2021 are having a huge impact on the business world
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Contactless Technologies

Contactless tech is one of the most obvious trends in 2021 and one that has emerged as a direct result of the pandemic. Contactless tech has enabled businesses to continue and protect public health at the same time, and it is easy to see a lot of this tech continuing to play a major role as it can be so convenient (as well as protect against other illnesses).

Remote Work Tools

The pandemic has led most businesses to experiment with the entire workforce working remotely, and this has proven to be a success in many cases. For those that have succeeded with remote work and are enjoying the range of benefits it can bring, they are likely to have the best remote work tools that can streamline and help staff to overcome the challenges that it can present. A few examples of remote work tools include:

  • Cloud computing
  • Screen recording software
  • Screen sharing software
  • Group chat platforms

Project Management Software

Many businesses have had to completely change the way in which they operate, and this can make project management challenging. This is why many businesses have been choosing a new project management system that can help companies to plan and execute projects of all sizes with ease, which often include useful features like time tracking software with CoAmplifi to help employees to better use their time and boost their productivity.


The rise of remote work and change that the pandemic has brought about has also led to a dramatic surge in cyberattacks affecting businesses of all sizes and in all industries. This is why cybersecurity is a major trend in 2021 and one that needs to be taken very seriously by all organizations. Companies need to make sure that they have high-quality cybersecurity products in place offering robust protection, use a cybersecurity policy, and train staff on how they can work safely (especially if working remotely).

Green Tech

The world is becoming greener, and signs of nature healing during COVID-19 as a result of drastic change like remote work has led both people and businesses to decide to take action to protect the environment. This is fantastic to see and could even help a business to improve its reputation, so investing in green tech could bring a range of benefits to a business while protecting the environment.

These are the main tech trends shaping 2021, and it is important that all business owners are aware of what these are.

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