How to Use Coupons to Save on Tech Gadgets

Most people are well aware of the prevalence of coupons to save money on items like groceries or household supplies. What you may not know is that the idea of coupons applies just as well to larger items like technological gadgets. Even items that are more expensive, like laptop computers and printers, can be bought at significantly reduced rates thanks to coupons.

Whether you buy online or in the store, coupon and coupon codes can net you anything from steep overall discounts to free shipping. Use these helpful hints to locate coupons for your next shopping trip.


Compare Online and In-Store Prices

Many major retailers will have prices offered online that are slightly lower than that found in stores for certain products. If you notice that on one of your shopping trips, show the manager the price discrepancy and ask if there is a way you can pay the online price instead. Rather than lose store business to their website, the manager will happily give you the lower of the two quotes by plugging in a special coupon at the register.

Social Media

If you struggle to find coupons for the brands and products you are most interested in, spend a little time liking or following those brands and products on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter. Once you are connected, the companies will often feature coupons for their most valued customers, which you can then take advantage of. If there are none offered, write on the wall of the company and ask if there is anything will can net you a discount on a certain product. The social media managers are often happy to do what they can to supply you with a coupon or free gift to help you stay a satisfied customer.

Search Online for Coupon Codes

Although many people think that coupons need to refer to a physical piece of paper to use in the store, coupon codes are actually used entirely online for purchases. After filling your cart with the items you want to buy from stores like Best Buy or Newegg, you proceed to checkout. Once you are there, a space exists for shoppers to input a coupon code. This coupon code can provide things like 10% off your overall purchase, 50% one item, or even free shipping to your home. To find coupon codes, simply search online for the store you want to purchase from and the term ‘coupon code’. Remember that many of these codes can expire, so you may have to search for new ones each time you are ready to checkout. Newegg coupon codes can be found right here to help you save money on your purchases

Local Magazines and Newspapers

Of course, don’t forget about the traditional coupons which can be found. Check the inserts of your local newspaper or any circulars that come in your mailbox and can offer great discounts on technological items.

Make sure that you are aware of the retail value of an item to ensure that even with a coupon, you are saving money overall. With online codes and paper coupons it is easy to pay less on your favorite technological brands and products.

UK resident Mary Blanchard, a mother of three, understands the importance of cutting corners wherever she can. She loves online deals and finds a good gateway to discounts.

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Amy Nielson is a freelance blogger. You can follow her on Twitter @NielsonAmy

11 Responses to “How to Use Coupons to Save on Tech Gadgets”

  1. Peter

    Jan 27. 2012

    Nice one with the idea of writing on the company’s FB wall, that should work 🙂

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  2. Paul

    Jan 27. 2012

    Whenever I make an electronics purchase online I always perform a search to see if there is a coupon I could. Many times there hasn’t been one, but when there is, it is great to save money.

    The one thing I don’t have a problem finding are coupons for hosting or domain registration. These coupons are everywhere.

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    • TechCrates

      Jan 27. 2012

      Thanks for stopping by ! Truly said…. Coupons for hosting or domain registration are available everywhere !!

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  3. Praveen

    Jan 27. 2012

    Wow, so nice & good information about How to Use Coupons, thanks for sharing knowledgeable post.

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  4. Hanna

    Jan 30. 2012

    Sometimes I go to pawnshops to see if they a slightly used items. Though it is very risky but if you bought a high quality second hand item, then you’ve hit a jackpot.

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  5. Tracyann0312

    Jan 31. 2012

    Coupons play important role in our life to save money! It can not only help you to save but it can also be a way to buy your favorite gadgets! Thanks for sharing it!

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  6. DollarTycoon

    Feb 07. 2012

    Whenever I can, I always look online for coupons for tech gadgets. Thanks for the tips!

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  7. Ayush

    Feb 14. 2012

    Great post. i will look for coupons next time i buy gadgets!

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  8. SmartPress

    Mar 20. 2012

    This is pretty interesting; I’ve always wondered how the Extreme Couponers buy expensive things with coupons (because they apparently don’t buy anything without a coupon), and now I know how. Luckily for us consumers, businesses are willing to do a lot in order to still make a sale and not lose it to another source. Now, do you think that they’d also match their competitor’s pricing?

    These are excellent tips! They’re definitely going to be coming in handy soon. Also, older models of technologies are always less expensive than the new ones, so adding a discount on top of the lower price saves even more money. It’s surprising that not too many people take advantages of coupons and special offers, especially when they can save so much by doing so.

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  9. chanikacha

    Mar 23. 2012

    Coupon are very helpful! It help us to have a discount on any of the products that we are going to buy. These tips are very helpful I could use this! Thanks

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  10. Electronic

    Apr 08. 2012

    Coupon codes is a nice way to save some of money from your pocket and I didnt know that such expensive items can also be bought with so much discount. Thanks for providing the info as I am sure it will definitely help me in saving some of my money.

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