5 Highly-Effective Tips to Becoming a Productive Freelancer!

As a freelancer, I know the challenges that one has to go through to make money out of this profession. While working at home might seem like a charming idea, this is not the case in reality. In fact, you have to capitalize more than ever on your abilities and skills to establish a career in this profession. The job of a freelancer demands some beneficial traits in order to cope up with the hurdles of working at home.

Freelance Writing

Apart from being good at managing time and resources, you must have some habits to become a productive and successful freelancer. I used the word “productive” before “successful” as it is impossible to achieve success if you cannot give your 100% at work. To know the habits which you must follow in order to become a prolific freelancer, you need to read on the following article.

How to become a productive freelance writer for technology topics

Plan Your Whole Day

Make a habit of planning your day. People tend to procrastinate when they work at the comfort of their home. When you are in control of your time, you have more excuses to procrastinate. This is a common problem with the freelancers who face the myriads of distractions while working at home.

The very thought of watching a show on TV rather than doing a job can be overwhelming at times. By having a plan of your day, you know the next task every time you finish a project. Note down the tasks you must accomplish before the end of day. Make the planner a night before the day. This avoids any unnecessary distractions and helps you stay focused on your work.

In this world of smartphone and iPads, you have more options to organize your day than before. There are handy apps that will keep you prompting for the different tasks during your day. So use these benefits of technology in organizing your work.

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Keep Focused on Your Work

Avoid the bad habit of being a couch potato with your gizmos. In the world of wireless technology, we are surrounded with versatile mobile devices that can easily distract us. While these high-tech gadgets are blessings in this fast-paced world, they are also the biggest distractions for the freelancers. To become more productive, you must keep these devices at a distant so that you can focus on your work.

Remain Up-To-Date

Get habit of reading informative materials. Keeping yourself up to date with the latest trends is vital for surviving in the freelance business. However, it must be more than simply reading newspaper. You should go through your industry-specific magazines and books to know the best practices within your niche industry. Today, you have more access to latest information than ever, thanks to the various online news aggregators. Subscribe to any of the trusted and reliable magazines or news aggregators.

Do Little Exercises For Better Performance

Make habit of doing little exercises. It is a fact that exercises have tremendous positive effects on our mind and body. As a freelancer, you have to work day and night. Many times you have to work in long sessions to meet the deadlines. That small area of your room will become your only platform to do all the activities. This change in lifestyle can have severe implications on your health.

So if you want to stay fit physically and mentally, you must adapt healthy lifestyle. Set different sessions for each task and take little breaks. Do bits of light exercises every time you take a break from work. It could be a light walk or a few set of flexes. The whole idea is to remain active in your activities after a hectic session of work. Besides, you will be more productive as a freelancer if you work on new project with rejuvenated energy levels.

Live a Balanced Life

Doing a freelance job gets on your nerves, especially if you work in night shifts. The bouts of sleepless nights can have implications on your life and health. But above all you may lose control of your life and miss the elements of fun. So it is important that you make a habit of maintaining a good work-life balance so that you can become more productive at work.

Take out time for the activities you love doing and meet with relatives and friends for a change. Do not let the stress of your work affect your life because ultimately your work will suffer.

Sylvia M Lewis is one of the professional logo designers at logo pearl, a company that provides cheap logo design service. She is also fond of writing blogs on graphic designing, she writes blog on spare time. You can follow her on Facebook.

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Sylvia Lewis is fond of writing blogs on graphic designing, she writes blog on spare time. You can contact her on Google Plus.

2 Responses to “5 Highly-Effective Tips to Becoming a Productive Freelancer!”

  1. Stephan

    Nov 10. 2013

    Plan your whole day that what i recommend you.
    I think when you want to work effectively, you have to have a schedule for your day and month so that you can manage your time and do everything successfully.
    thanks for your sharing.


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  2. Art

    Nov 26. 2013

    Good post!
    In today’s world it is very easy to get overwhelmed and that’s why it is super important to organize your work environment the right way. Many people try to do it by multitasking but they don’t know that is is actually a strategy that do not work!

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