Ganesh Chaturthi Festival – Ganesh Utsav

One of the most famous and most popular festival is GANESH CHATURTHI, also known by the name – GANESH UTSAV. This festival is the festival of  HINDUS, but is celebrated most likely by everyone. On this day, the son of LORD SHIVA and GODDESS PARVATI, i.e. GOD GANESHA was born. People bring home murtis of Lord Ganesha and celebrate the festival by worshiping the Lord in a special way for a day and a half, 5 days, 7 days or 11 days depending on the family tradition and commitment of each individual. On the last day of worship the idol is taken out in a colourful and musical procession to be immersed traditionally at a beach.

ganesha chaturthi greetings
This festival is celebrated W.R.T. the HINDU calendar, and according to this calendar, this festival is celebrated in the month of BHAADRAPADA, usually between 19th August and 20th September, and this festival lasts for 10 days. This festival ends on the SHUKLA CHATURTHI which is the 14th day of waxing moon period. This is a very popular festival, and is celebrated all over India, but is particularly celebrated in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Goa, etc. which is mostly in south of India. to visit or to celebrate this festival, tourists can visit MAHARASHTRA. In MAHARASHTRA, this festival is celebrated by most of the Bollywood celebrities with a public and family members or relatives. So tourists can enjoy this festival in Maharashtra.
bollywood celebrities - salman khan ranbir kapoor

Birth of lord Ganesha

The birth of LORD GANESHA is based on one of the traditional stories. According to this story, God Ganesha was the creation of goddess Parvati. Now, this story tells that PARVATI created GANESHA out of the sandalwood paste which she used for her bath and gave life to that figure. She then made him stand out of the door, while she bathed. lord SHIVA was out and when he returned, he was not allowed to enter and stopped at the door by god GANESHA. LORD SHIVA showed his anger, and served god GANESHA’S head. Seeing this, GODDESS PARVATI became angry and lord SHIVA promised her that he will make is son alive again. so in search for a new head, the found a dead elephant’s head and replaced that head with god GANESHA. LORD SHIVA declared that, from that day, that boy would be called lord GANESHA.
visarjan of lord ganesh
From that day,according to the Hindu calendar, this festival is observed in the month of  BHAADRAPADA, usually between 19th August and 20th September, and this festival lasts for 10 days. This festival ends on the SHUKLA CHATURTHI which is the 14th day of waxing moon period.

Celebration, rituals and tradition of GANESH CHATURTHI

Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharashtra
Two or three weeks before this festival, artistic clay models of GOD GANESHA in vivid poses are being made to sale by artisans. this festival starts with the installation of these different statues of GOD GANESHA, in homes or other localities.
immersing different statues in beach
These statues are being poured by kumkum or sandalwood paste. these statues are then immersed in lakes or rivers or beaches by the public.
ganesh chaturthi decoration in houses
Some of the pilgrims or people buy their own small statues for their houses and immerse these statues in a bucket or tub at home only, so the lakes and rivers don’t get polluted, and after few days that clay is being used in their own gardens.
immersing the statue in beach
Today. this festival has become not only a popular festival, but is has become an economical and critical activity for the states which celebrate this festival, especially Maharashtra. Many artists, businesses, ect. survive or depend on this big festival or event. In Maharashtra, not only Hindus, but Muslims, Christians, Janis, and others also participate in the celebrations of this festival.
So tourists can plan their vacations during the festival of GANESH CHATURTHI, so as to celebrate the same. they can visit MAHARASHTRA, to celebrate this festival, as Maharashtra is known for this festival and is celebrated here with full rituals and dedication. So HAPPY GANESH CHATURTHI AND HOPE THIS FESTIVAL BRINGS JOY AND PEACE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
ganesh chaturthi Greetings

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