Quick Tech Gadgets for the Xmas Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner, maybe about a week and a few days. You’re staring at your list, unsure what to get your friends and family. Half of the things on their wishlist, you’ve never heard of and you’re starting to run out of time and options. Why not snag them some tech and call it a day? Here are a few things you can grab and wrap in a heartbeat that are sure to thrill your friends and family.

Xmas gadget Samsung Galaxy S4 is a great gift for family

Samsung Galaxy S4

Most of the time, a new cell phone is needed within months of purchasing the old one. At least, this is the case for many teens, young adults, and techies of all ages. Why? Because they come out with so many different phones within months of each other. We all remember the Samsung Galaxy S3 and its revolutionary ability to annoy apple creators all over the globe. Just a short time later, the Samsung Galaxy S4 was created and thrown to the foreground (where it still sits). This phone harnesses the revolutionary ability to detect when it’s being ignored, when it’s being watched, and, essentially, what’s going on around it. With decent payment plans, you can guarantee that this is a great gift that will allow your kin to enjoy it like no other.

this is not an easy decision whether to choose Playstation 4 or XBox One for XMAS

PS4 or Xbox One

The PS4 and Xbox One have been flying off the shelves since their release in mid-November. However, that doesn’t mean you can still get one for your loved ones. Retailers across the globe are slowly stocking up on the gaming systems and gearing up for the second win of last-minute shoppers. Which one do you pick for the gamer in your life? If they happen to enjoy more games in the community sphere centering “realistic” possibilities, the Xbox One is for them; especially, if they enjoy catching a good streamed flick with friends and talking to their game systems. The Xbox One also comes with a built in connect for the dancers and kids in your life. What better way to enjoy a game than to get up and play it with your whole body. Likewise, if your gamer prefers more action-adventure type games that feature incredible graphics and stunning yet simple interface, you may want to go with the PS4. The PS4 is incredibly user friendly and, though it may lack some of the more intense features of the Xbox One, lends itself to the solitary gamer. Games that are fast paced and more third-person seem to be this console’s strong suit. And, if you really can’t decide, just get both. If your gamer doesn’t like one, they can always put it in the classifieds and gain an extra buck.

nice and useful christmas gadgets are newly headsets using bluetooth 4.0 technology wireless

Bluetooth Headsets

There are a million different types of Bluetooth headsets out there and with life being so fast-paced it’s no wonder people want to find a way to get their hands into a project without having to worry about the phone or the music they’re listening to. Yes, that’s right. Bluetooth I connected to music now. A few devices to look at are the Jawbone headsets. The company has created a headset known as the NoiseAssassin and it does exactly what its name boasts it does: kills background noise. This is one of the most affordable yet highly efficient and you don’t have to worry about the garbled noise in the background. The NoiseAssassin is only one of many different types of headsets on the market today. But, with the explosion of Bluetooth 4.0, you really don’t have to limit your gifting decisions to headsets (it’s just the easiest to go for). A lot of cars, stereos, televisions, small devices, game systems, etc. are highly Bluetooth compatible.

These are just a few of the items you should consider for your loved ones. In all honesty, it’s the easiest way to jump into the holiday spirit, especially with time crunching around the amount of effort you’re going to have to put into this year’s gift run. So hurry and get on it before you run out of time completely!

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2 Responses to “Quick Tech Gadgets for the Xmas Holidays”

  1. August

    Jan 24. 2014

    Galaxy S4 is a splendid idea.

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  2. Shri

    Jul 14. 2014

    Nice article and i am gonna implement it. thank you 😀

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