How to Utilize Google Ads for Shopify website?

Google Ads, a subsidiary of Google is an advertising platform used by millions across the globe. It is a platform where businesses, both big and small can pay to have their ads regarding products and services published for users using the search giant. Numerous millions of searches are made on Google on a daily basis. The comprehensive resources that the search engine has makes it a very lucrative advertising platform. Statistics show that advertisers make at least $8 USD in a day by spending $1 USD on e-commerce Google Ads.

Marketing and advertising have not always been considered as one whole. However, with the changing times, it has now become a necessity
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Shopify, on the other hand is a popular e-commerce platform that enables businesses to set up and sell stores and products online. The tools and services offered by Shopify, like payment gateways, customer involvement, shipping marketing, etc. helps business owners develop their business online with ease. Data collected by the platform provide valuable insights into customer preferences, which helps make strategic marketing moves.

Customers’ data can be analysed using Shopify’s built-in features. Businesses and organizations, on the other hand, must retain this data in a database since it assists them in getting deeper insights by combining other company data with Shopify. This gives organizations the added advantage of the capabilities of a holistic database (or, in some cases, a data warehouse) to go beyond the limitations of Shopify’s analytics.

In this blog, we have listed out a few ways in which you can utilize Google ads for Shopify.

Set a Budget for the Campaign

This is an often-overlooked step when it comes to utilizing Google ads for Shopify stores. The intention behind this step is to make sure that the goals and resources to be used for the goals are predetermined for the most effective results. Set a monthly advertising budget to determine how much you can pay a day towards advertising costs. Once this is set, it will steer the course of the entire advertising campaign you will create. These numbers can always be changed with time, so there is no need to worry.

Integrate Advertising and Marketing

Marketing and advertising have not always been considered as one whole. However, with the changing times, it has now become a necessity. Some of the many benefits of integrating marketing and advertising are listed below;

  • Each platform will have a clear goal for both marketing and advertising.
  • Data from marketing efforts can be used for optimization of ads.
  • Advertisements will align with the marketing being done over social media, emails, and other platforms.
  • A uniform tone will be observed across all platforms and ads.
  • Data from Google Ads accounts can be used to learn more about your customers and audience, and effective marketing strategies can be made based on this data.

Shopping Ads are the Way to Go

Google ads management services can help generate shopping ads containing pictures and descriptions of your products and services that will be published across multiple platforms like YouTube, Maps, Gmail, and the Google Display Network. Around 75% of online shoppers use one of the above platforms to help with shopping, and therefore, shopping ads are your best bet at connecting with multiple customers who are most likely to make purchases.

Write a compelling ad

Google ads management services are only effective if the ads created draw in a user towards the landing page on your Shopify store. A few pointers to keep in mind to make the ads compelling are as follows:

  • The ad should contain a clear call to action.
  • The keywords and phrases should be incorporated into the ad.
  • Make sure that the ad matches the landing page. For example, don’t write an ad about shoes and link it to a landing page about bags.
  • Add alluring visual elements in the ad.
  • Make sure that the billing information is included in the ad, especially coupons, offers and discounts.

Analyse the performance of the ad and make alterations as required, to improve the results.

Optimize your landing pages

Optimizing e-commerce Google Ads alone will not help create an effective advertising campaign. That also requires optimization of the landing page. The ads created should compliment the landing page so that users are inspired to make purchases. While ads guide users to your store, it is the landing page that guides the users towards making a purchase. A good landing page, with high conversion rates, will have a good UX design that is based on principles that are user-centric.

Make good use of Audience Targeting

The Google Ads platform has a feature called Audience Targeting, which helps advertisers test out how various groups of your audience base will respond to the ads you put out. Audience targeting properties are automatically established with the help of this feature, and it should not be overlooked as your market your store and products. Once you identify that group of your entire audience base which responds best to your ads, you can specifically target them with ad campaigns. The more targeted the Google ads for Shopify are, the more conversions they are likely to garner.

Opt for Dynamic Google Ads

Dynamic Ads are the perfect marketing solution for Shopify store owners with an extensive collection of products and services. It is a very cost-effective way in which to increase sales. Dynamic Ads will keep up with the constantly changing keywords, phrases and terms that customers search for on the Google search engine. The predictions made can be used to create ads that are always relevant, and will not go unnoticed by the end users.

The bottom line is that, Shopify gives you a platform to set up shop, but the marketing is left to you. This is where Google Ads for Shopify stores come in. The marketing possibilities offered by this platform is simply amazing. The tips given above will help you make the most of the Google Ads platform and the resources it offers. Use them right away to achieve your marketing goals this year.

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I am Daniel Stewart, content manager at PPC-Outsourcing UK. I am an expert in writing digital marketing blogs.

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