The Internet of Things and Its Role in Digital Transformation

The Internet of Things is usually confused with digital transformation. In some cases, people think the IoT is a separate element, but it’s not. The Internet of Things is actually a component of digital transformation. In fact, it’s considered an essential component of digital transformation. The IoT is responsible for the little changes and improvements in your daily lives. How you work, how you communicate, how you live, how you entertain yourselves, it’s all because of the IoT.

The Internet of Things and Its Role in Digital Transformation

Image source: Pexels

The IoT refers to the process of transferring data from one network to another without requiring human interaction with both human and computers. This only means that the devices you use every day, either a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet, or a desktop, are all connected to the Internet of Things. The IoT allows you to communicate with anyone, and will enable companies to understand you, the latest trends or standards, and communicate with you. Several digital transformation case studies can further breakdown and explain the technicalities of the IoT. However, taking all of these into consideration, what then are the roles of IoT when it comes to digital transformation?


The IoT connects you (customers) to companies regardless of what type of device you’re using. This is a big step when incorporated with digital transformation because you don’t have to be physically present on a certain time at a certain place. All you need is an Internet-enabling device that you can use when trying to connect or interact with companies. The IoT makes life simpler for you and connects you with hundreds and thousands of companies, depending on your choice.


The Internet of Things also allows you to get the exact information that you want or need. It provides you with data from companies, other consumers, online trends, and a lot more. Whatever information you look for and in whatever device you want to view it, the IoT makes it possible for you to access it.

History and Compatibility

If you are viewing something on your smartphone while you’re outside the house and you wish to view this still when you get home but on a different device (probably your laptop) this time, it is possible. The IoT sets a “history” type of setting that once you view it on one device, you can view it again on another device so long as you can locate it in the history tab or option.

Aside from that, the IoT allows you to use both your smartphone and laptop while viewing the exact same app or website. The IoT makes it convenient for you to use any kind of device through its compatibility feature. Since most people use mobile phones now instead of desktops, companies have to make sure to utilize their IT features and allow both mobile and desktop navigation and compatibility.

Wrapping Up

The Internet of Things plays a vital role in digital transformation in the present time. IoT increases customer satisfaction and promotes positive and excellent customer purchasing experiences. Other than that, it also allows both consumers and companies to connect with one another. IoT continues to contribute plenty of advantages and positive impacts in digital transformation, and who knows, maybe in the next decade or so, more devices, consumers, and companies can connect because of it.


Author’s Bio:

Edwin Deponte is a motivational writer who is also passionate about Social Marketing. He believes in others’ abilities and tends to bring out people’s hidden potentials through his words of inspirations and motivational articles.

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6 Responses to “The Internet of Things and Its Role in Digital Transformation”

  1. SARA

    Jul 01. 2019

    Great article!
    Thanks for sharing!

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  2. Jeremy Gilbert @ Make My Grades

    Jul 12. 2019

    If there were no internet then how we could we start working with digital marketing :-P. Without the internet, it could not possible to do.

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  3. TechCrates

    Aug 28. 2019

    Which are the driving factors for the consumer IoT market growth?

    Major driving factors for the growth of this market include the growing number of internet users and adoption of smart devices, increasing awareness about fitness and rise in disposable incomes in developing economies, and consumer preference for increased convenience and better lifestyle.

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  4. MoNgo BSS

    Feb 05. 2020

    Excellent as always. Thanks for this very informative post. Keep it up and give us this type of helpfull information.

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  5. Suraj Jha

    Jul 08. 2020

    thanks for your valuable information. i really love this types of content.
    great work. keep writing this type of content for us. your every blog posts are very helpful for me. waiting for more…..

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  6. Caresort Web Solutions

    Oct 05. 2020

    Great article with a lot of useful tips. Just need time!

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