5 Major DevOps Trends To Watch In 2020

There are several major DevOps trends to watch in 2020. At its core, DevOps pipelines aim to create a working environment where developers can build, test, and deploy software efficiently. In such a fast-paced industry sector, it is essential to know what practices and technologies are pulling ahead. Naturally, this is key for companies to deploy new features, security patches, and bug fixes faster. As a DevOps pipeline manager, you need to know which trends are going to your influence development procedures. This way, you can invest in the right technology and systems to build your applications quickly. Read on to learn about major DevOps trends to watch in 2020.

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops)

Shift To Assembly Lines

One major trend to watch out for in 2020 is the shift from continuous integration processes to assembly lines. For each code change, CI pipelines typically automate and build unit tests. On the other hand, DevOps assembly lines significantly automate the connection between the activities performed by various teams. For each activity, these assembly lines implement a pipeline, which includes continuous integration. Then, your DevOps team can use ad-hoc scripts to connect one activity to the next. Namely, this shift to assembly lines allow DevOps teams to achieve continuous integration in a better, quicker way. Therefore, it’s important to watch for the transition to DevOps assembly lines this year.

Migration To Serverless Architecture

Next, the migration to serverless architecture is another trends that has transformed DevOps in 2020. Serverless architecture does not eliminate the need for a server. Instead, serverless computing outsources code to your cloud provider’s infrastructure. Then, they automatically run the application based on your requests at the provider’s data center. Notably, this allows you to concentrate on the specific focus of your application. This way, you only need to focus on the front end of your apps. Moreover, this architecture enables companies to scale their computing resources quickly rather than having to deploy their own server. Surely, this DevOps trend can save you time and reduces development costs in 2020.

Increased Containerization

Moreover, increased containerization is another growing trend to look out for in 2020. Indeed, many expert developers are investing in container registries to store and manage their Docker images. For example, JFrog’s advanced Docker registry offers highly scalable storage, unlimited users and server builds. In addition, it can also accommodate terabyte-laden repositories through cloud-based providers. Naturally, software developers are using container registries for their enterprise-level support. Plus, it can integrate with major build tools and CI servers to power your current development setup. Thus, containerization is a key trend to watch in 2020 DevOps pipelines.

Transitioning To Microservices

Moreover, DevOps pipelines are also moving from monolith type programs to microservices this year. Although monoliths are simple to develop, they aren’t scalable. Thus, many developers are switching to microservices. This technology breaks apart huge, complex applications into smaller components. Then, each app can have its own microservice, which streamlines the release process. In addition, organizations who implemented microservices are better-equipped to keep up with customers’ demands. Since microservices are simple and much faster to deploy, the lead time for pushing new features is much lower. Importantly, you can create apps without the disruptions you run into when altering a monolith app. With this increased efficiency, the move from monoliths to microservices is an essential trend that has transformed DevOps and the software testing industry.

SQL Standardization

Furthermore, you SQL standardization is another DevOps trend to watch in 2020. According to software development experts, enterprises are projected to see a huge push towards standardizing their SQL data management stack. While we have seen a shift to various database management systems, the overall trend Is moving back towards SQL. Naturally, it’s time-intensive to write custom code for a data-driven pipeline. Additionally, it’s also increasingly difficult to learn various domain-specific query languages for other databases. Whether you’re coding streaming platforms or online operational systems, SQL is surely becoming the standard interface for its streamlined efficiency. Therefore, you need to watch out for this DevOps trend in 2020.

There are several major DevOps trends to watch out for in 2020. As the First, the shift to assembly lines is allowing developers to achieve continuous integration faster. In addition, the migration to serverless architecture is also on the rise. Next, increased containerization is another rising trend for its reliable scalability. Moreover, the transition from monoliths to microservices also streamlines app release procedures. Furthermore, SQL standardization is also growing in popularity among data management stacks. Be sure to watch out for these major DevOps trends in 2020.

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One Response to “5 Major DevOps Trends To Watch In 2020”

  1. Siri

    Oct 29. 2020

    Great article. It is very useful and informative. Thanks a lot for sharing this post.

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