Safe Data Policies: Are You Keeping Your Records Secure?

How secure is your company’s data? With more and more businesses storing high quantities of their data online in cloud software systems, it doesn’t always guarantee that important information will be kept safe for long.

Digital Data Security

Recently in the news, Snapchat was hacked due to software flaws in the mobile app’s ‘find friends’ function, which ended up affecting 4.6 million users. If you don’t have a secure data plan with a dedicated program that is able to store information and set processes within the company, it’s best to consider it now rather than later before it’s too late. After all, a fate similar to Snapchat and their unlucky customers is any business’ nightmare scenario.

personal data kept safe with digital online data security policies for cloud systems and cloud data storage services

Why companies should feel obliged to keep data safe

Before the Snapchat data leak, the company had actually been warned by GibsonSec about their flawed software, but the social app company chose to ignore it. Now that everyone knows about the poor software and because of the leak, the company plans on updating their security system. Of course, this is an action that should have been taken a long time ago.

Companies should ensure that they have a safe data policy in place for the sake of their customers. Sometimes when companies grow extremely fast and are very successful, they may not think a security breach could happen to them because they put their full trust in basic, unreliable data safety plans. By taking the time to plan and invest in a program to store data information, it can save the company a lot of time and grief from trying to cover issues with a public relations campaign.

Not only should keeping your data safe be mandatory for the sake of your customers, but for the company overall as well. Any computer database that is part of your current security or cloud system from desktops, laptops, and smartphones should be covered by a secure data policy and plan. Most likely your online storage system includes extremely important information and records from several departments including:

  • Finance/Accounting data
  • Human Resource records
  • Marketing campaign plans
  • Contracts and company contacts

If your security is breached, it can cause a lot of damage to the progress that your company has already made and take you a step back from pursuing future plans.

The best method to keeping critical data safe

Again, in order to ensure that all of your data (especially critical data that is completely irreplaceable) is safe, your policy plan should include dedicated programs to store and save information. If you’re not sure where to begin looking, consider an offered product that is similar to a system that you already have set in place. Most businesses use Microsoft Windows programs such as Word and Excel, but the software company also offers a program called Dynamics AX 2012. With more businesses saving extensive amounts of data on their computers or online, it’s just not enough security to save something to your hard drive or cloud.

Extra tips for a safe data policy

In addition to incorporating a new program to store data as a part of your data plan, here are a couple of tips to keep in mind for further security:

  • Create a privacy policy for customers and internal documents.
  • Transfer data securely with confidential and encrypted emails.
  • Secure online forms and documents that customers will fill out for record keeping.
  • Protect laptops and other remote devices by limiting the amount of storage a user can save.
  • Destroy unneeded sensitive data such as payment information with a retention policy.
  • Train employees and map the company’s data plan.

Take some time to think about whether or not your business or department is truly secure with their data. Consider installing or updating your safe data policy plan with these tips and even installing a new software data program that you can depend upon.

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Ashley Williamson is a professional freelance writer and an occasional guest-blogger on various sites interested in tech, business and marketing related topics. When she is not working she likes to travel and read as much as she can. Currently she is working for an explainer video service.

One Response to “Safe Data Policies: Are You Keeping Your Records Secure?”

  1. Danilo Guerrier

    Oct 13. 2020

    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing

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