Five sites that pay you for specialised writing

If you love writing and are a freelance writer, you understand usual struggles prevalent in this niche profession. Others may visualize you as a coffee-guzzling, 24X7 pajama-wearing individual, who doesn’t have to bear the wrath of a 9-to-5 corporate desk job. But deep down no one understands the painstaking efforts required to fish out clients from your remote location, look for sites that pay for writing, and make substantial money through freelance writing. No wonder almost 60% of freelance writers quote an uncertainty in getting hold of clients and an unstable income as the main hindrances in their professional growth.

But what if there were platforms which were eager to hire writers just like you, for specialized writing and pay for writing handsomely? Well, the dream isn’t as distant. Read ahead to discover some of the top sites that are eager to hire specialized writers for their niche clientele, and ready to pay you the big bucks:

Tutor website


Ranked as one of the top 5 education apps, is a well-recognized website which deals in providing online tutoring and academic guidance to students of all levels – School, Undergraduate, Masters, and even PhD levels. They have an extensive network of qualified teachers and professors who are involved in creating comprehensive academic material which facilitates better learning among the students. As a writer, you get paid to assist students in writing academic papers and developing research material as a part of their assignment. The best thing is you can choose your field of specialization (Medieval European Art History or Particle Physics) and start getting paid for every academic paper you churn out.

Assignment help uk

2. Write my assignment United Kingdom

Just like, Assignment Help UK is also an academic-oriented website that writes plagiarism-free assignment assistance to students. They have a strict hiring policy of recruiting only experienced writers. Through this, they are able to guarantee superior quality and 100% original content. Since they fixate so much on the quality of writers, they end up paying deserving remunerations to them. It is an excellent platform to find regular clients and customers since they have a record of returning customers using their writing services. They also receive great reviews and recommendations from their happy customers which imply that you will not have to go out and look for clients- they will keep returning to you thanks to this website’s increasing popularity.

Wow website

3. WOW! – Women On Writing

Moving ahead from the arena of academic writing, you can always look into the option of doing specialized writing for WOW. This website has witnessed an exponential growth since its inception in 2006, and welcomes writings from a wide array of topics including inspirational writing, parenting, social media marketing, book reviews, promotions and a lot more. A typical WOW article is about 1000-3000 word long and pays anything between $50 and $75 or even more depending upon the depth of the research done for the article. WOW encourages freelance writers and love publishing stories which have a hint of personal tone or humour in them. So if you are inclined at writing such articles, WOW is the way to go.

Freelancer website


This platform is a haven for freelance coders, graphic designers, app-developers, and of course content writers. People post their respective requirements – be it technical content writing or a list of blogging projects with payment per article mentioned upfront. There are options to bid on the quoted prices. The unique attribute of this platform is that you can quote your own prices and negotiate with the client on the cost, in a safe and open platform. You can join this website for free and start browsing through relevant jobs and projects.

Listverse website


One of the most widely read website for engaging and interesting topics, Listverse is pretty clear and upfront about what it needs from its writer. They are not specifically looking for highly qualified writers who have professional experience. You can be a complete newbie and still get $100 dollar paid for your well-researched article which has the potential of garnering enough interest from the readers. You have the freedom to choose your topic of interest. All you need to do is have a killer article in list form ( eg: “10 most captivating fan theories about movie endings and twists” or “Top 10 spooky facts about Halloween”), stock it with interesting content backed by original research, and have a fully-functioning PayPal account.

So which is your favorite site that pays you for writing? Do share your thoughts in the comments section.

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4 Responses to “Five sites that pay you for specialised writing”

  1. Phillip

    Nov 25. 2017

    Thank you for writing this list. I’ve used some of them already successfully.

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  2. qiully

    Nov 27. 2017

    nice post! thanks you for sharing

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  3. Appus

    Nov 29. 2017

    Thank you for the list. It is really useful for me.

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  4. Parag yadav

    Dec 22. 2017

    Finally i start to earn some money wi

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