Mastering the Art of Lead Generation: 3 Elements No Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign Can Do Without

Lead generation truly is an art-form. If it wasn’t, all campaigns would be following the same scientifically developed formula for success. That isn’t the case though. Instead, marketing campaigns even within the same sector can be massively different to each other, and yet still successful.

Each campaign, each web page and every ad created must be carefully and closely tweaked, optimized to give the best return possible for your investment. With inbound marketing you aren’t creating ads for starters, because the entire point is to attract customers who are already looking for something relevant in the same field as your product. They might be looking for information, a tutorial or even a review.

Remember this doesn’t mean they are ready to buy from the start. Often they’re just looking for the content and nothing more, but with the right approach you can guide these people further down the line and into paying customers. Here are 3 elements which can help you achieve this goal.

business marketing campaigns

1. Provide Useful Content – Free!

The first key element is to provide useful content. Whether it’s for entertainment or information purposes, make sure your content is useful and valuable. If it’s useless it won’t be popular in the first place and won’t spread.

Being genuinely useful increases the chances of your content going viral or at least being shared across social media and seen by more people. It also increases trust in your followers, as well as gratitude, which are both linked to increasing the chances of a sale or sign-up.

2. Don’t Neglect Video

Video has been around for ages now and pretty much everyone knows how valuable it is in the marketing world. Video gets more engagement than any other type of media. Why? Because it’s easy to follow, there isn’t any effort involved and it doesn’t even require an ability to read or concentrate. On top of that, it engages both your eyes and ears, blocking out most other influences and allowing the video to have a deeper impact.

Neglecting video is a great way to limit the impact your marketing can have and the audience it will reach. Using video, even if it’s to duplicate written content, is a great idea. It tends to increase popularity and could be the spark your inbound campaigns need to start seeing success. Youtube tutorials are a great example of inbound video marketing, and there are countless examples of success in this area already.

3. Give Relevant Calls to Action

Calls to action are important, without them we miss an opportunity to get a sign-up/follower/sale. The thing is, you can’t just have irrelevant plugs for your services or products at the end of your content. Instead, try to create content where the service/product fits in naturally.

This type of relevance creates the highest chance of the reader/viewer actually taking action, because they are already looking at relevant content. Think of a bicycle pump being advertised right after a quick guide on fixing a flat tyre – this is what you call relevance!

For more information on successful inbound marketing, check out

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2 Responses to “Mastering the Art of Lead Generation: 3 Elements No Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign Can Do Without”

  1. Cindy

    Oct 05. 2018

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    Oct 14. 2018

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