Tech Check: 2013’s Biggest Technology Flops

It is a norm that the new technology gadget will come and go. Nevertheless, some technological gadgets which makes an impression on the mind of the people. Again, some other technological gadgets are gone into oblivion as well. Therefore, you should pick the right technological gadgets, which will give you a better understanding of the technology, and it can make your life more trouble free and smooth as well.

The Worst Tech Fails Of 2013

One thing is sure that some technological gadgets which could not make any impression on the mind of the people due to not understanding the application of the technology itself also. Nevertheless, it is sure that you will learn a lot from the biggest flops in the technological gadgets as well.

technological gadget fails of 2013

BlackBerry Z10 

Actually, Blackberry wanted to make this smartphone as a crowned jewel in the world of Apple and Android. However, it somehow could not make any impression on the mind of the smartphone users. There are many reasons, which make this smartphone a biggest flop in 2013 due to the non-performance of the technology in the right direction as well. Since, this smartphone has a costly tag on its price.

Nevertheless, it could justify its price tag on the mind of the buyers as well. Therefore, the buyers could not give any positive feedback on it. Another point you should remember that the required apps should be added in the smartphone in such a way that the users can use without any trouble as well. Initially, Blackberry had an intention to discard the previous smartphones with this smartphone. Nevertheless, in the reality, it could not make it possible due to not enough innovative as well.

Twitter Music 

The expectation from this application was huge. However, in the reality, it could not fulfill the expectation on the smartphone platform. Moreover, the concept about this free music application from Twitter is that the users can find the music from the internet through the tweet as well. However, in the reality, it could not make it possible due to the total rejection from the twitter users as well.

In this connection, this application could not generate the ultimate momentum among the internet user also. Therefore, the power of 30 seconds music review does not make enough impact for the music lovers to find their music through tweet over the internet. Therefore, the failure was inevitable for the Twitter Music as well.

Microsoft Surface RT 

This gadget is from Microsoft. Microsoft has a high expectation from this gadget for overcoming the popularity of iPad platform. Therefore, somehow this gadget could not fulfill its expectation as well. Actually, Microsoft Surface RT is based on the tablet technology, so that the people can use it without any trouble. Since, Microsoft was very much aggressive towards the marketing of it against iPad gadget in such a way that it actually lost its focus on the demand of the people as well.

Therefore, it suffers a lot as well. Actually, this gadget could not create any impression on the buyers mind, so that it faced immediately a big loss. Moreover, you should keep in your mind that the innovation should be used wisely in any technological platform. Otherwise, it will bring the failure as well.

Google Chromebook Pixel 

This little computer has a lot of great features and nice look. Despite its outstanding clear screen, this gadget never attracts the mind of the buyers. The reason is that it has an excessive price tag which debars the buyers from the buying this little computer. Moreover, its great features and sleek look never fulfill its expectation. Therefore, Google is quite dissatisfied for this reason.

Facebook phone

The Facebook owner, Mark Zuckerberg has tried his luck through Facebook phone. Nevertheless, he has failed in the greater proportion. The reason is that the phone is too much concentrated on the theme of Facebook, which never attract the mind of the buyers as well. Even, the buyers want to get the better integration of the other application with Facebook, so that they can enjoy it without any boring.

YouTube on Windows Phone 

The YouTube integration with the Windows phone never worked at all. The reason is that the developer should know how to integrate the one technology with another one. Otherwise, the failure will be inevitable as well. Actually, Microsoft should know how to integrate the YouTube application with the Windows phone and make it a success through a better perspective as well.

Therefore, you should watch the biggest tech gadgets flops of 2013 with a clear mind and foresight. Moreover, it will open your eyes for preventing any misuse of technology in the wrong direction as well.

Kelly Marsh is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade. These days she is busy to contributes on Social Cloud.

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6 Responses to “Tech Check: 2013’s Biggest Technology Flops”

  1. Sanjeev

    Dec 01. 2013

    What Microsoft Surface RT is a Flop??
    Well it is not as much flop as you have mentioned. It is a much better gadget as compared to others. I think this list is created by yourself or you have not collected resources
    Sanjeev Singh

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  2. Arjun

    Dec 02. 2013

    you missed Microsoft kinect and nokia pureview 808.

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  3. TechCrates

    Dec 02. 2013

    Thanks guys 😀

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  4. Stephan

    Dec 08. 2013

    NIce article,
    I think Z10 is a biggest disappoint in this year, i expected more than it can perform, such a shame to Black Berry.
    Thanks for your sharing.


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  5. Meridith

    Dec 09. 2013

    Wow, aside from the Blackberry phone and the Microsoft Surface, I hadn’t even heard of a lot of these gadgets. I’m kind of glad that the Facebook phone didn’t take off, because FB is already too ingrained into our culture already. Sorry, Zuckerberg.

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  6. John

    Mar 07. 2014

    I am satisfied to go through about this tablet .Good write up keep it up, i will be one of your regular readers

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