These Two Things Will Reshape The Future Of Technology

Can you envision what will happen to the world in terms of technology within a few years? Can you know the changes going to occur in the world in the next few decades? If not, then let us provide you an insight to it.

Have a look at it:

Future Of Technology

Self-Driving Cars

Though the self-driving cars exist today too, but over the course of next 3-5 years, they will become a mainstream phenomenon. They will even get safer than human-driven cars. According to the estimation of The World Health Organization, 1.25 million people die per year from the car accidents. Half of them are motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Cars have become a foremost cause of death for people age around 15–29 years old. Therefore, it is better to have self-driving cars in the near future. In most of the cities, between 20–30% of usable space is occupied by the parking areas where cars are parked most of the time. With the self-driving cars, there will be no need to reserve a place for parking as they will be used continuously through a smartphone app, thereby saving the usable space for other significant purposes. Cars will be able to able to communicate with one another which will prevent traffic jams and accidents. And the riders will get time to focus on work, socializing and education.

clean energy

Clean Energy

We know that power generation is one of the leading cause of air pollution and global warming emissions. For example coal, which generates less electricity but emits 80% of all power plant carbon emissions which increase global warming. Therefore it is really necessary to generate electricity from natural sources. The energy that produces electricity from sustainable sources like geothermal power, solar, and wind, thereby reducing the global warming emissions and pollution is called renewable energy. Many scientists, entrepreneurs, and engineers from all over the world are working extremely hard to make clean energy cost-effective and convenient. With the advancement of technology, the price of solar cells has deteriorated 99.5% since 1977, which is a huge change. Solar has become more budget-friendly than the fossile fuels. Even the cost of windf energy has dropped down too. Therefore, in the next few years, it is expected that clean energy would reach a tipping point. With countries like India and Japan who are taking initiative to convert all their airports into clean energy and opening more electric charging stations than gas stations, there will be a rise in the clean energy in the next few years.


Author Bio:

Gloria  is a professional writer and has write on various niches in her career span of about 3 years. She is very passionate about writing now working with Essay gala writing company.

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3 Responses to “These Two Things Will Reshape The Future Of Technology”

  1. Carlos

    Apr 18. 2017

    Clean energy must be focused on right now. People must change and take care of our environment.

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  2. Darren Daves

    Apr 21. 2017

    Certainly. These two are the most promising future trends in technology. Another one that comes to my mind is IoT (Internet of Things) that will content everything, every device and app via the Internet. Going forward, more and more integration platform will be available to integrate the disparate tools that we use everyday.

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  3. Shonali Jain

    Apr 21. 2017

    I am really excited about the idea of self driving/automated cars. I think with right kind of security mechanisms, the self driving cars can minimize the overall number of road accidents. I had attended a demo where they integrated Tesla Beta with an integration platform that lets you even control the car remotely and was really impressed. Curios to see how it all plays out in the next couple of years.

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