Top 5 Weird But Real Gadgets That Can Blow Your Mind

When it comes to gadgets, wearable, curved, and smart are ruling the roost. But if you are looking for something that stole all the glances for being weird and unusual, you are looking for something like – iPhone Tasers and 3D food printers. There are more such weird gizmos around you that you must know. Here is a list of such gadgets. You are sure to love them all.

mind blowing gadgets

  • Nod gesture control ring: It is also sometimes called the “universal controller” device. This device has been designed to fit around your finger. And what will it do? The device will let you have better control of different smart devices like smartphones and tablets that run on iOS or Android. By using a nod gesture control ring, you can control devices running on various OSs with natural gestures. Even though the ring is yet to hit the global market, there are talks about it. You can pre-order the ring if you want to be among the firsts to use it.
  • Mother: This is truly a creepy technology. The Mother connects to your home network. With this gadget you can keep track of what you eat, things you do, and where your children are. So, every time you know what your loved ones are doing back home. With the green glowing eyes of Mother, no one can be up for any mischief!
  • Tattoo as Biosensors: tattoos are always fun. ElectroZyme temporary tattoos are not exactly like conventional tattoos. Rather, they are more like flexible, thin electronic stickers that contain biosensors. When the tattoo is applied on the skin, it has the capacity to analyse the wearer’s sweat to determine fitness level. This advanced tattoo can also determine the physical performance, hydration level, and electrolyte balance of the wearer. This stylish gadget can be used to measure a wearer’s athletic performance. So, want a tattoo? Try ElectroZyme temporary tattoo with biosensors.
  • Sensoria Fitness Socks – The Sensoria Fitness Socks are giving a tough competition to the conventional Pedometer. Now you can keep all your wearable gadgets underfoot. This new gadget can count your steps, track speed, count calories, measure altitude and distance, and do a lot more. You can also use the socks in combination with the Sensoria sports bra and Fitness t-shirt. Yu do not have to be a fitness freak to buy these fitness socks or garments.
  • Touchscreen-friendly Elektra nails: There’s good news for all ladies who hate it when their fingernails come in the way of using smartphones and touch-enabled mobile gadgets. Elektra has recently launched the glue-on nails that can facilitate tapping on the smart gadget screens. The glue-on nails can be detected by a touchscreen display. These nails can give stylus-like accuracy when it comes to writing or tapping on smartphones. The best part about using these nails is that these can be colored as desired! So ladies, tap on and nails don’t bother!

Which ones do you like the most? Are there any other gadgets and gizmos that you think will make a mark in future as weird, but useful gadget?

Author’s Bio:

Joseph is an education beat reporter with a reputed daily newspaper. His recent article on an English video dictionary app has gained much attention among educationists. He loves partying with friends when he gets off from work.

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Top 5 Weird But Real Gadgets That Can Blow Your Mind, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

2 Responses to “Top 5 Weird But Real Gadgets That Can Blow Your Mind”

  1. Pritam Nagrale

    Aug 19. 2014

    Hi Joseph,
    What a weird list of Gadgets here! It’s totally different and I didn’t use it before. Thank you for sharing

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  2. Stephanie

    Aug 25. 2014

    The gadgets sound pretty interesting, especially the bio sensor tattoo. Would love to see pictures and see what these things look like!

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