Can You Count On USB Charging for Your Gadgets?

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on electronic devices and gadgets. It seems that we have been so attached to these things that we feel naked when we leave the house without them. We feel uneasy whenever we realize that we left our mobile phones or tablet PC at home when we suddenly need to use it. This is the effect of having been dependent too much on these items.

USB 3 for charging USB gadgets

Role of Gadgets

However, we cannot also discount that these items has indeed helped us a lot in making things easier and more accessible for us, especially when it comes to the workplace. We could even charge our gadgets using just the USB 3.0 hub of the laptop if there is a lack of electronic outlet.

USB hub to extend USB 3.0 interface on older motherboards

Charging Gadgets over USB

This is one of the conveniences that the USB 3.0 hub of our computers offers. Not only does it provide the means to transfer files from a flash drive or an external storage device but it also powers up our devices. This is great if you suddenly find that your mobile phone battery is almost drained and there is no extra electrical outlet that you can utilize to plug in the charger. You can just plug the charger cable directly into the USB hub and connect the other end to your phone and instantly, the battery is being charged. You need not worry about having useless drained out mobile gadgets in your possession when outside of the house.

compare detail results for USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 speed transfer rates and power supply

USB Charging

Today’s laptops and computers have USB hubs included as one of the ports installed. These hubs are at least the 2.0 version which also has the capacity to transmit power into any device plugged into it. However, do not expect fast charging as this can only give minimal power output.

  • Those that with USB 3.0 hub installed, which is already common with the newer releases of computers and laptops, the power output is higher with this new hub thus making charging time faster.
  • There are already available devices in the market called powered banks that can be charged via the USB port of the computer. These battery packs are perfect for those who are considered to be heavy users and often find themselves out of power even before the day ends.  This assures them of extra power during the day when they are out of the office or on the road.
  • There are also other peripheral devices that rely on the USB hub of the computer for power. Some DSL modems utilize the USB port to power up the device. This is a clear case that the hub is capable of providing enough power to make the device usable. The hub is something that uses much power to be able to fully function.

The design of the USB port is that not only does it provide the means to connect devices together to be able to share data but also, it can provide power when needed. This is one of the conveniences that today’s engineers and technology experts have provided for the common man. You can definitely count on your USB hub to charge all your electronic devices and gadgets provided that you have the necessary cables to connect to it.

Heather Brigs is a freelance writer who loves Fashion and Technology. She writes technology articles for, a site where you can buy thunderbolt cable and 3-port USB 3.0 hub device for affordable prices.

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One Response to “Can You Count On USB Charging for Your Gadgets?”

  1. Peter

    Jun 28. 2020

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

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