Using Cloud Computing to Promote the Green Movement

Cloud technology is helping green organizations promote eco-friendliness by practicing environmentally sustainable computing on a daily basis. Considering IT and the equipment that follows takes its toll on the environment, eco-organizations going green with their computing are really practicing what they preach. With green computing in mind, here are just a few ways environmental organizations both large and small are doing their part to promote the green movement through cloud computing.

big data

Power Management and Conservation

Electrical appliances use a dizzying amount of power – even when they’re not in use. This is especially true for businesses that have multiple computers and servers. But, more and more green organizations are turning to cloud computing to reduce power consumption.

With cloud computing, organizations are able to cut down on the amount of in-house servers and other office equipment. And, when companies and organizations choose to outsource their data storage to one central location, it results in less power usage and equipment manufacturing, which always benefits the environment.

Equipment Sustainability

Considering the rate at which electronics such as computers become outdated, it’s imperative that the life cycle of IT equipment lasts as long as possible. Luckily, product longevity in combination with cloud computing is helping green organizations keep the eco-friendly spirit alive. Computer equipment that’s upgradable and modular in design lends itself to a longer lifecycle, thus prolonging the time it takes to reach landfills while also decreasing the manufacturing of more unnecessary equipment. And, with cloud computing in particular, the more virtual data storage, the less equipment needed.

Green Data Centers

Although the cloud seems like it doesn’t have a physical existence, it does in the form of servers housed in data centers. And, thanks to the U.S. Department of Energy, data centers are becoming more energy efficient than office complexes could ever be.

When green organizations go the cloud computing route, they can likely expect the data centers housing their information to be environmentally friendly as specified by the Department of Energy. This means energy efficiency in the form of optimized air management systems for server cooling and on-site electrical generation via the recycling of the heat produced by servers and other data center equipment.

Eco-Friendly Virtualization

In-office cloud computing is the virtualization of otherwise power-consuming equipment. And, many green organizations are taking advantage of virtualization in the office to cut power usage and equipment from the environmental equation. Virtualization is a form of cloud computing where two or more computer systems run off the same hardware. And, when one piece of hardware supports all the software systems in a single office, it reduces the environmental footprint of running a company.

Promoting Telecommunication via Cloud Computing

Cloud computing actually promotes telecommunicating, which helps green organizations as well as the rest of the working world reduce the emissions involved with commuting to and from the office by working remotely from home. Not only do commute times take away from productivity, the harmful effects of fuel emissions are one of the leading causes of ozone depletion. Likewise, with fewer employees in the office, there’s less everyday waste in the form of electricity consumption and office supply waste such as paper products.

It’s plain to see that cloud technology is actually green technology, helping environmental organizations and other organizations practice eco-consciousness. Big data brings bigger opportunities, something we can expect to see more of in the coming year.

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Born and raised in the Boston area, I was rocketed to New Hampshire, where under the Granite State's yellow sun and lack of income tax, I have gained the powers of super-sarcasm, brilliant creativity, and slightly disturbing sense of humor.

3 Responses to “Using Cloud Computing to Promote the Green Movement”

  1. Nate

    Mar 22. 2015

    The cloud is perfect, but they need to stay up to date on it’s security. The potential security risk and loss or breach of data, will scare most.

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  2. john terra

    Mar 22. 2015

    Especially if there are any spectacular (as in, highly publicized) security breaches

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  3. Alice Wright

    Apr 22. 2016

    Yes you said well that Cloud computing actually promotes telecommunicating, which helps green organizations as well as the rest of the working world reduce the emissions involved with commuting to and from the office by working remotely from home. We can see that World is going to be on cloud means everything related of us will be available on cloud.

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