10 Ways to SEO-Optimise Your Website Simply and Easily

When you think about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the first thing that probably pops up in your mind is keyword density. As much as keywords are a major factor in optimization, you need to bear in mind that there are several other key ways that can be used to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

When you look at the algorithm behind search engines, you’ll note that the use of keywords on pages and meta descriptions can be used to improve your ranking. There’s also valuable information that has to be evaluated such as the duration taken by a visitor on your website, error links, bounce rate, total pages viewed, inbound, and outbound links. These are just some of the factors that you need to consider.

Below is a further explanation of how to simplify the optimization of your website.

10 Ways to SEO-Optimise Your Website Simply and Easilyweb

Ways to optimize your Website and improve its Ranking

1. A Must Read Content

There are more internet users now than ever before. This means that there’s a wide online market for you to choose from. Therefore, if you post your content at least one person will view it out of the thousands. In addition, always remember that dwell time will give you an upper hand when it comes to your rankings. Dwell time basically refers to the time spent by users on your website.

Since there are many users and websites, your content is what will make you stand out from the rest of the competition. Therefore, make sure that you write interesting content for your readers. Make the paragraphs short and the language simple. Know who you are targeting and what attracts them. Then, look for content that your audience is likely to read. Perform thorough research to make sure that the information is true and factual.

2. Page Load Speed

If there’s one thing that can discourage users from accessing your website, it has to be the page load speed. More often than not, when a page is too slow to open up, you’re likely to lose potential viewers and that can directly affect your rankings. According to search engines, this is one important aspect that is recorded into their website ranking algorithm. With this knowledge, you can have a fast page by using an appropriate website hosting service in order to get rid of the lag.

3. Visual Optimization

Making your website interesting may require that you use good quality visuals such as images in order to make your content stand-out. Moreover, you also need to ensure that these images are doing the work for you on the SEO front. This is made possible by including keywords for the image file name, title, description, alt tag, and caption. This will only make the entire content seem more relevant whenever users search for related information on the internet.

4.Various Multimedia

As a website owner, you need to note that an ideal website is that which has put different multimedia to use. Some of these include videos, images, slideshows, and audio voice notes. Most of these are used so as to make your website content enrich user experience and help deliver the message even further.

In addition to this, search engines treat them as a sign of quality content. You can learn more here in order to get better information about the use of multimedia for content optimization. In any case, the whole point of SEO is to put in the work that will make your website appealing as well as interactive.

5. Header Tags

Reading blogs and articles should be a straightforward experience for website users. It could be irritating to suddenly come across a block of text with almost no breaks in between. The best way to make your website relevant in search engines is by breaking down your content into different segments and using header tags properly. This will make your content much easier to use and more interactive.

6. Outbound Links

Taking your time to develop useful content for your website visitors is the first step towards SEO optimization. You also need to provide outbound links to authority sites that can give more useful information. Using outbound links to relevant and respected authority sites will increase the time spent by readers as well as your website relevancy to search engines.

7. Broken Links

Internet users are like shoppers on the go and nobody would be happy to run into a link that doesn’t work. Therefore, you can apply the use of tools and apps to ensure that your site is free of any broken link. The bad thing about broken links is that they show that your website is old and neglected. This can negatively affect your SEO ranking.

8. Page Layout and Formatting

The creative content that you develop for your website needs to be facilitated by proper formatting and a user-friendly layout. This will make it easier for users to read and navigate through your website and allow them to spend more time reading and examining everything.

9. Readability

Despite developing eye-catching content that delivers important information, you need to make sure that what you post is easy to read. A reader that comes across a complex article that’s looks like a PhD dissertation will most likely give up along the way. Therefore, your content needs to maintain creativity as well as easy readability for the users.

10. Call-to-Action Page

After delivering your content to the audience, you need to have a final page that tells the readers to take action. This could be contact information that lets you socially connect to your website viewers. This will make your website seem trustworthy and allow it to rank higher on the search engines.


If you want to optimize your SEO rankings, you need to do a few things. The 10 tips mentioned above could be a good starting point.

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3 Responses to “10 Ways to SEO-Optimise Your Website Simply and Easily”

  1. seo consult

    Jul 11. 2020

    Thanks for this post. Keep up the good work 🙂

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  2. Charlotte

    Jul 12. 2020

    Thank you! Keep up the good work 🙂

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  3. Thomas

    Jul 28. 2020

    Thanks for the great ideas in this article. Really thank you! Really Cool 🙂

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