What is a broadband speed test and how is it Useful?

A broadband speed test is a method used to check the browsing, uploading and downloading speed of your broadband connection. This helps you to discover, accurately, time taken to both retrieve and send information by your internet. A higher speed internet download speed allows you to access information faster and higher upload speed allows you to upload your data, photos and videos faster. It is suggested that your downloading speed should be significantly greater than your uploading speed most people download more than they upload.

what is a broadband speed test and how is it useful?


How it works?

 It is quite simple – Broadband speed test criteria has two parts:

  • In the first part, some temporary files are downloaded onto your computer to calculate the time taken to finish this task. After this, some downloaded files are uploaded to the internet and the time taken for processing is measured.
  • After calculation of this information, the tester will provide you a speed in megabits per second (Mbps), and the higher the Mbps value the faster your internet will be and vice versa.

It is possible that the speed calculated can vary from your true broadband speed because of some factors which cannot be controlled by the tester. Some of these factors are:

  • You might be located outside of the coverage area of your internet provider
  • Your computer may be performing other downloads  alongside this test
  • Using programmes that use your bandwidth to monitor other resources
  • Use of wireless routers which includes travel of data through air which can be affected by some walled buildings or by some other interference
  • Other users using your wireless or fixed line network might be using the internet during the test
  • Due to the broadband network congestion, speed of your network suffers a lot


Why do you need the broadband speed test?

It is a fantastic way to test the speed at which you can access information online. It is used to check that your broadband internet provider is fulfilling their claim or not. By using this you can make sure that you are getting what you’re paying for. If you are not getting the expected speed you can shift to a cheaper and quicker broadband connection plan in your locality.

Broadband can be provided in many ways. The most popular ways are:

  • DSL broadband
  • Cable broadband
  • Satellite broadband

Out of the three DSL is the most used broadband connection, as it is least expensive and most efficient form of broadband. While opting for a broadband connection package make sure that it has the highest bandwidth available. Bandwidth is the amount of data you can download/upload in a specific time period. Sometimes claimed bandwidth by the provider is not accurate because of the vast number of users operating; stretching beyond the network’s capabilities. This is the reason for broadband speed tests.

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Hi this is Simon John Clark. My passion is to write on Technology topics related to broadband speed test, Finance, Insurance and Travel you can reach me @thetechlegend.

2 Responses to “What is a broadband speed test and how is it Useful?”

  1. Harsh Bhatt

    Sep 03. 2012

    My BroadBand Internet Sucks Badly, In one day it get disconnected 10-12 times.
    I really hate it, I am just Changing to Airtel.

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  2. Karl Martin

    Sep 05. 2012

    I do agree with what you guys have stated in your article. Checking your dsl speed through a certain test makes us rest assured with the claims that the company were applying for fast and reliable internet connection.With this, we were able to know if the monthly dues that were paying for our internet connection is worth it. [ dsl speed guide (dot) com ]

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