Why BlackBerry PGP Encryption Surpasses Messaging Apps

Digital privacy is at the top of everyone’s minds these days, and rightfully so – there is so much personal and financial data about ourselves online that it’s a goldmine for cybercriminals and government surveillance agencies. Some skeptics dismiss the idea that they need more secure communications, saying that they have nothing to hide from government surveillance agencies. Spying fears aren’t the only reason individuals and businesses are beginning to look for encrypted modes of communication. Corporate users have implemented methods like PGP encryption to ensure that they are in compliance with federal regulations regarding their customers’ data, while individuals are taking steps to protect themselves from cybercriminals who can use or sell personal information with the intent to commit fraud.

BlackBerry PGP Encryption

Besides cybercriminals, individuals who travel should also take steps to make sure they’re don’t fall victim to authoritarian laws and surveillance in foreign countries. Whether it’s for business, your job, or your family, traveling to some parts of the world only increases your need for encrypted communications. Pakistan, for example, has some of the world’s most draconian laws around blasphemy, and the official sentence for “insulting Islam,” the country’s majority religion, is severe, and the insult does not have to be public – it can be made in private conversation, such as in the case of Nadeem Masih.

In Thailand, lèsemajesté laws forbid insults to the royal family and in the last decade, many Thai citizens as well as French, British, and American tourists have been prosecuted for statements both made publicly online and sent through private text messages.

So how do you protect yourself from cybercriminals and governments who want to know what you’re writing to your friends, family, colleagues, clients, and business partners? In a world that’s ever more conscious (yet also capable) of surveillance, there are now a couple of encryption options for your BlackBerry available.

Encrypted Apps

WhatsApp was introduced on the market as an encrypted messaging app, promising users secure communications and privacy. It was a sign that people demanded encrypted communications in large numbers, especially when parent company Facebook introduced encrypted messages on its own Messenger app. However, WhatsApp is now facing legal action from a German consumer watchdog over a deal that involves sharing consumer data with its parent company, Facebook. While it does offer encryption, WhatsApp may not provide the level of privacy from corporate data mining that many encryption customers want.

BlackBerry PGP Encryption

BlackBerry PGP Encryption

Given recent concerns over options like WhatsApp, it’s becoming clear that the securest method of communicating remains PGP encrypted email, particularly from a service provider like Myntex. PGP encryption vendors make the technology not only convenient to use, they also take the guesswork out of security, providing multiple encryption keys (i.e., the private key the user needs and a public one that the recipient uses). Unlike WhatsApp, which owns the encryption key and is capable of decrypting messages sent through it, a Myntex user owns their encryption key, and the company uses its own data center, with complete control over access to it.

The demand for encrypted communication is rising across the world and telecommunications retailers are gearing up for heightened sensitivity to surveillance by offering BlackBerry PGP encryption technology. Don’t get left behind; partner with a PGP encryption company today and start meeting your customers’ needs for greater privacy.

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One Response to “Why BlackBerry PGP Encryption Surpasses Messaging Apps”

  1. Rakib

    Apr 16. 2017

    Many many thanks for your sharing…

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