What Will Be This Year’s Number One Tech Choice This Christmas?

It’s a prediction every tech pundit wants to make, but few, if any, have ever guessed right. Yes, it’s that time of the year again, where we hazard our very best, most highly educated guesses at what might take the top spot as this year’s number one tech choice. If the last twenty five years have taught us anything, is that we’re in for a surprise. From the Furby to the iPod Touch, Gameboy’s to Pogs and Care Bears to Atari 2600’s, we’ve grown to expect the unexpected, so join us as we plunge into the depths of speculation to discover what we think might well be the best selling tech gift this Christmas.

all wanted christmas tech gadgets in our tech crates santa special review

Playstation 4/Xbox One

It’s too tough to call between the two, but there’s a considerable chance that one of these battling giants will take the top spot. Both feature much improved hardware, capable of playing the latest games in 1080p with solid 60fps visuals, both feature innovative cloud gaming features and both are making a claim to be the centre of your television world, but who will win? Only time will tell.

iPad Mini (2013)

The new, much improved iPad Mini is now on an equal footing with its bigger brother in both screen quality and power, but it comes in at a much lower price. Backed by an outstanding collection of applications and the easy to use nature of the device, it’s sure to sell extremely well this Christmas. Apple should watch out though, smaller, cheaper and equally as capable devices like the Nexus 7 are eating their lunch, and it will take a lot of marketing to win people away from that lower price tag.


Each and every year, headphone sales go through the roof as parents look for reasonably priced presents that will last their children through the year. Headphones, apparently, fit this category rather well. Retailers like Hi-Fi specialists Superfi are stocked to the rafters with high quality ‘sets like Superfi’s Pioneer SEMJ751 Headphones as well as the ever popular (though overpriced) Beats line.

Nintendo 2DS

Nintendo recently made a new addition to their 3DS family, and it’s called the 2DS. Whilst it lacks the ability to play 3DS games in 3D, Nintendo knows not everyone loves or uses this feature and has made a much cheaper device lacking that ability. The 2DS can be had at some startlingly low prices with bundled games. Not only that, the 3DS library is pretty incredible at the moment. From the new Pheonix Wright, Professor Layton and Mario 3D games to huge system sellers like a new, highly lauded Pokemon game and the huge RPG Monster Hunter, it’s a great time to get on board (especially considering a new Super Smash Bros game is also on the way)

2013 is a fantastic year to be buying technology, there are literally hundreds of fantastic gadgets out there, each with their own plusses and minuses. We’ve listed what we think will be huge sellers but there’s always something that comes out of the wings to take us by surprise. Whatever you buy though, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that it’s a good time to be doing so.

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What Will Be This Year’s Number One Tech Choice This Christmas?, 10.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

One Response to “What Will Be This Year’s Number One Tech Choice This Christmas?”

  1. August

    Jan 08. 2014

    Good headphones I think.

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