How Do You Know When It’s Time To Switch Internet Providers?

You turn on your laptop to face that impending deadline, open your browser to check your Facebook page, and what happens? The internet is down again. If it feels like your wireless is offline more than it’s online, you might be thinking about switching internet providers.

switch Internet Service Provider

The Pew Research Center suggests that the way people use the internet is constantly changing. They still maintain that 85 percent of adults use the internet in some form, but 25 percent of them now own tablet computers, and 1 in 4 teenagers say they connect to the internet primarily through their mobile phone. That means internet providers have every reason to give you the best deal and the best service possible. If you haven’t shopped around in a while, there can be plenty of reasons why you should.

Your Internet Use Has Changed

Maybe when you first got your computer, you used the internet simply to check email or use Google. But now more and more people are streaming music and videos, using Skype or other video chat software, or engaging in other high-bandwidth activities online. Your internet provider might not be able to deliver the speed or capacity you really need. This is especially true if you live in more rural areas, where it’s not uncommon for providers to simply max out their connections. In recent years, there’s been a widespread political push to make broadband faster, which could mean there are more options out there than you think.

You’ve Heard About Better Deals

One of the most limiting factors when it comes to choosing internet providers is what’s available in your area, which is why customers in small towns often have a hard time. But if you can ask your neighbors what they pay for internet service and you find out they’re getting a better rate than you, you’ll know that better rates are possible where you live. Word of mouth is a great way to find out about internet packages, and so are local ads and promotions. If there is healthy competition between providers in your city, it’s very likely that there could be a deal out there you haven’t yet discovered.

You Want Better Customer Service

At the end of the day, every internet provider will have issues and outages, and the way they treat you and communicate with you can be what really makes the difference. Good customer service means they are quick to learn of outages and can let you know right away what happened and what steps are being taken to fix it. You want to be able to call your ISP and get a knowledgeable representative who can explain both technical problems and issues with your bill. It’s hard to underestimate how important it is to feel valued by any company who relies on your business.

No matter what area of the country you live in, it’s important to not settle for less when you’re looking for an internet provider. The United States is not even in the top 20 when it comes to internet speed, so the technology to make your broadband connection faster and more reliable is definitely out there. People are relying more on the internet for their work and daily life, so shoddy connections can be a very big deal. There’s no reason you can’t look for something better.

Eric Lustig blogs for where you can find out more about your options when it comes to internet services.

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One Response to “How Do You Know When It’s Time To Switch Internet Providers?”

  1. Bobby Saint

    Oct 05. 2017

    You made a good point about choosing an internet service provider that has better customer service. You obviously would want to reach out to someone who would be able to assist you 24/7. I would definitely keep this in mind when I apply for an ISP. Thanks.

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