What is IVR system: Everything You Need to Know

Interactive Voice Response System (IVR), technology permits callers to directly interact with communication system of a company over a telephone system. It simplifies the process by allowing a caller to enter information to a database and also get information from it. The transaction is made through a telephone system that is connected to the computer system. Among businesses worldwide, IVR systems are considered to be an efficient way to exchange any information without the presence of a caller or any other staff member’s assistance.

voip ivr systems

An IVR system is created to assist the callers through a series of pre-programmed prompts. These programs are recorded in advance and include all the major sections of services provided. Apart from that, they may also further direct a caller to a customer care representative. In case there is no one to help or operate, the message is recorded and forwarded directly to the customer care team. This means that your business will never lose a customer. Most Fortune 500 companies use these systems to appear professional and save a lot of time of their employees.

Most SMBs also use IVRs to reduce labor expenses and save time.  Other benefit of this system is that it lets your business operate even after the work hours are over. One feature that makes these systems interesting is that they are designed to recognize human voice and respond as per the requirements. In fact, Interactive Voice Response Systems can also be programmed to recognize locations and names, which make them convenient for various credit and debit card transactions and bookings. Now that we have the answer to the question – what is IVR system, let’s look at the uses.

The basic uses of IVRs

You may use these systems to automate almost every task. Some basic uses are mentioned below –


Use IVRs to set up anonymous surveys. In fact, you may also conduct post-sales satisfaction calls. There is no denying the fact that customer satisfaction is one of the most significant factors in the success of any business and research shows that organizations that excel in customer service and follow up within 24 hours of sale, increase their chances of keeping a customer for life.

Apart from surveys, you may also set these systems to thank your customers and get instant feedback. This is an excellent way to know what your customers think about your products or services and increase the chances of improvement.

24|7 Customer Service

Imagine someone working for your business 24|7 without any additional labor costs. This is what an IVR system does for you. Invest in a properly designed IVR system and provide round the clock customer service, irrespective of the size of your organization.

Verify Status

If you are a small bank, deal in a business related to money orders, or sell certificates or gift cards, an IVR system may help your customers get the status of your money order, request stops, transactions, and check balances, among others.


An IVR system is a great way to expand your business without increasing labor costs. It also allows your business to give a professional appeal. Invest in IVR because as you can see the uses are endless.

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Pankaj Sharma is an experienced writer and blogger, covering a wide range of technology topics such as cloud computing, IVR services & mobile apps etc. Visit here- https://www.trionds.com/

One Response to “What is IVR system: Everything You Need to Know”

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